Zoznam článkov
Volume 79, 2024, No. 10
ISSN 0046-385X (print)
ISSN 2585-7061 (online)
- Cartwright, N. : Reliability Trumps Truth. (s. 1069)
- Cernea, M. : Causalism versus Propensionism in the Philosophy of Biology: A Case of Philosophical Underdetermination?. (s. 1083)
- Pichová, D. : Fontenelle’s Éloges des académiciens: Creating the Scientific Persona. (s. 1097)
- Thümmel, J. : Návrat k původní jednotě jako dějinná perspektiva u H. von Kleista.(The Return to the Original Unity as a Historical Perspective in H. von Kleist). (s. 1111)
- Koubová, A. - Lánský, O. : Introduction to the Monothematic Block: Socio-Political Resilience vis-à-vis the Contemporary World Crises. (s. 1126)
- Koubová, A. : Which Resilience? Thinking Democratic Subjectivity in the Polycrisis. (s. 1129)
- Lánský, O. : Resilience as a Methodological Challenge for Axel Honneth’s Critical Theory. (s. 1144)
- Eiríksdóttir, L. - Pallas, J. : Practicing Uncertainty as Resilience. (s. 1159)
- Ungar, M. - Koubová, A. : The Emerging Science of Multisystemic Resilience: Trade-offs and Transformations in Contexts of Adversity. (s. 1174)
Recenzné štúdie
- Raška, Š. : Between Dewey, Social Movements and Critical Philosophy. (s. 1186)