World Literature Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 16, 2024, No. 3
ISSN 1337-9275 (print)
ISSN 1337-9690 (online)
- Hostová, I. - Kusá, M.: Translation, censorship, and marginalized voices: Challenging power and economic barriers. (s. 3)
- Odrekhivska, I.: Decolonial analytics in translation history: Ukrainian literature in the contested space of English translation. (s. 4)
- Rudnytska, N.: Soviet ideological and puritanical censorship of Ukrainian literary translations. (s. 15)
- Krappmann, M.: Individual decisions in a collectivist ideology: Two Czech translations of I. L. Peretz’s short story Bontshe shvayg. (s. 27)
- Özenç Kasımoğlu, M.: Words in time: Inclusive reading and rewriting in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. (s. 42)
- Bednárová, K.: Translation as a scholarly dialogue. (s. 58)
- Hostová, I.: Translated, transgressed, transported: A century of Whitman in Slovakia. (s. 74)
- Gavura, J.: Publishing poetry in translation in Slovakia 2013–2023. (s. 86)
- Hostová, I. - Monticelli, D. - Kalnychenko, O. - Djovčoš, M.: Addressing power imbalances in research and translation studies. (s. 108)
- Verebová, E. - Perez, E.: Theater performances and their accessibility in Slovakia: Insights from the Deaf community. (s. 126)
- Martinkovič, M.: MARIÁN ANDRIČÍK – TARAS SHMIHER: Translating Milton into the Slavic World. (s. 135)
- Kučerková, M.: JÁN ŽIVČÁK: Sila a slabosť periférie. Stredoveká francúzska literatúra na Slovensku v rokoch 1900 – 2017 [The strengths and weaknesses of the periphery: Medieval French literature in Slovakia in 1900–2017]. (s. 138)
- Kabát, M.: SHARON DEANE-COX – ANNELEEN SPIESSENS (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory. (s. 141)
- Koscelníková, M.: MARTIN DJOVČOŠ – PAVOL ŠVEDA: Premeny prekladu a tlmočenia [Changes in translation and interpreting]. (s. 143)
- Zajac, P.: ADAM BŽOCH: Konverzácia a európska literatúra [Conversation and European literature]. (s. 145)