Slovenské divadlo
Zoznam článkov
Volume 72, 2024, No. 3
ISSN 0037-699X (print)
ISSN 1336-8605 (online)
- Mojžišová, M.: Editorial. (s. 199)
- Pšenička, M.: Context Interrupted: Samuel Beckett in Czech between 1964–1996 and Jan Nebeský’s Endgame (1996). (s. 201)
- Fergombé, A.: Dancing into the Sunset: nicht schlafen by Alain Platel. (s. 220)
- Černík, J.: Perspective Subversion: Female Characters in František Daniel’s Two Czech Films. (s. 237)
- Getlík, P.: Elusive Play in the Adaptation Cloud Atlas (2012). (s. 255)
- Mitášová, M.: The Birth of The Mile-Long Opera out of the Events of a New York City Park at 7 O’clock: Performativity of Performativities or a Multiperformativity?. (s. 266)
- Kopčáková, S.: Philosophers, Epigones, and Aesthetes. At the Interface of Ideological and Aesthetic Statements on Music Production. (s. 287)