World Literature Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 15, 2023, No. 1
ISSN 1337-9275 (print)
ISSN 1337-9690 (online)
- Kusá, M. - Posokhin, I. : New poetics and Russian prose of the early 21st century. (s. 2)
- Kapičiak, J. - Ulbrechtová, H. : Postmemorial sincerity in the writing of Sergei Lebedev and Maria Stepanova. (s. 3)
- Duleba, M. - Dulebová, I. : Metamodern urban experience in the anthology of topophilic prose V Pitere zhit’. (s. 23)
- Szabó, T. : The symbolization of the fragmented plot structure in Ludmila Ulitskaya’s novels. (s. 36)
- Sidor, M. : From Kyiv to Brisbane: Evgenii Vodolazkin’s reflections on spiritual identity in the context of space. (s. 47)
- Merezhynska, G. - Vasylevych, O. : The image of the Other as a reflection of cultural identity (a case study of Russian postmodern prose and dramaturgy). (s. 58)
- Posokhin, I. : Transformations in the perception of Russian literature after February 24, 2022. (s. 69)
- Zelenková, A. - Janiec-Nyitrai, A. : The Central European path to worldliness from the point of view of so-called small literatures. (s. 88)
- Zelenka, M. : XXIII International Congress of the AILC-ICLA in Tbilisi. (s. 102)
- Posokhin, I. : MICHAELA PEŠKOVÁ: Vladimir Sorokin: The Future of Russia. (s. 110)
- Gáfrik, R. : MARKÉTA KŘÍŽOVÁ – JITKA MALEČKOVÁ (eds.): Central Europe and the Non-European World in the Long 19th Century. (s. 111)
- Pucherová, D. : MATTHIAS SCHWARTZ – NINA WELLER – HEIKE WINKEL (eds.): After Mem- ory: World War II in Contemporary Eastern European Literatures. (s. 114)
- Guimard, T. : BERTRAND WESTPHAL: Atlas des égaraments: Études géocritiques [Atlas of bewilderment: geocritical studies]. (s. 117)
- Tureková, A. : JANA TRUHLÁŘOVÁ: Dlhá cesta k porozumeniu. Émile Zola, Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant v slovenskej literatúre a kritike [A long way to understanding. Émile Zola, Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant in Slovak literature and criticism]. (s. 119)