Zoznam článkov
Volume 55, 2022, No. 2
ISSN 0044-9008 (print)
ISSN 2729-7349 (online)
- Illáš, M.: Pokus o interpretáciu rytých symbolov na fasáde kaplnky sv. Margity Antiochijskej v Kopčanoch.(An Attempt to Interpret the Engraved Signs on the Facade of the Chapel of St. Margaret of Antioch in Kopčany). (s. 79)
- Waszak, P.: The Right of Art, the Principle of the Artist, the Imperative of the Scholar. The Example of a Romanesque Sculptor’s Workshop in the Context of the Law of the Frame. (s. 98)
- Pomfyová, B.: Dominikánsky kostol v Košiciach – niekoľko poznámok k pretrvávajúcim dilemám.(The Dominican Church in Košice – A Few Notes on an Ongoing Dilemma). (s. 109)
- Mrázová, M.: Communicating Identity of Patrons Through Works of Art: Donatello’s David and the Medici. Reflections and Interpretations. (s. 143)
- Kucharská, V.: Patrón dynastie a mesta? Sv. Ján Almužník a jeho kult pri formovaní dynastickej a mestskej identity.(Patron of a Dynasty and a City? St. John the Merciful and His Cult in Forming the Dynastic and Urban Identity). (s. 152)