In: Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 4, no. 1
Ferdinand Vrábel
Rok, strany: 2011, 37 - 53
Kľúčové slová:
DAI; Czechoslovakia; national minorities; Germans; Hungarians; Henlein
O článku:
The article deals with the subject of national minorities in interwar Europe, and the possibilities and efforts to use and misuse them for political ends. It briefly describes the establishment and development of an institution for monitoring the German minorities around the world - Das Deutsche Ausland-Institut (DAI) in Stuttgart - its organization, tasks and methods of operation. Based on the speakers’ addresses during the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of the Institute held in Stuttgart in August 1937, the author compares the attitudes of a representative and leader of the German minority in Czechoslovakia (Henlein) with the attitudes and opinions of a representative of the Nazi regime (Frick). In the conclusion, the author provides information on some of the measures taken by the Czechoslovak government between February and April 1937 that were aimed to ensure equitable minority policy and good relations between the Czechoslovak authorities and national minorities in the area of public works and civil engineering, social and health care, recruitment into the civil service, language needs of national minorities, educational support, school organization and self-government.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Vrábel, F. 2011. Oslavy DAI v roku 1937 a snahy o využívanie národnostných menšín v ČSR Nemeckom a Maďarskom na politické ciele. In Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 37-53. 1337-8163.
Vrábel, F. (2011). Oslavy DAI v roku 1937 a snahy o využívanie národnostných menšín v ČSR Nemeckom a Maďarskom na politické ciele. Studia Politica Slovaca, 4(1), 37-53. 1337-8163.