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Uncovering Slow Memory in the Narratives of Lithuania’s Post-Communist Transformation

In: Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, vol. 72, no. 4
Jogilė Ulinskaitė Číslo ORCID
Rok, strany: 2024, 463 - 474
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
slow memory, populist far-right, post-communist transformation, counter-narratives
Typ článku: Article
Typ dokumentu: PDF
O článku:
This article contributes to the field of memory studies by exploring the potential application of the slow memory concept in analysing the narratives of individuals versus far-right politicians. Through an analysis of oral history interviews and far-right populist narratives about the post-communist transformation in Lithuania, the study reveals that only a minority of narratives can be described as slow memory. Narratives of disappointment and perseverance lack specific decisions or events but instead highlight more mundane, everyday experiences. They focus on long-term change and reform and can be considered examples of slow memory. The findings suggest that one key characteristic of slow memory is its absence from public discourse and political space in a complete and comprehensive form. Political narratives tend to foreground specific events or leaders, thereby obscuring the complex, multidimensional nature of slow memory. This analysis of political narratives raises questions about the possibility of slow memory within political discourse more broadly.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Ulinskaitė, J. 2024. Uncovering Slow Memory in the Narratives of Lithuania’s Post-Communist Transformation. In Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, vol. 72, no.4, pp. 463-474. ISSN 1335-1303. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SN.2024.4.36

Ulinskaitė, J. (2024). Uncovering Slow Memory in the Narratives of Lithuania’s Post-Communist Transformation. Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, 72(4), 463-474. ISSN 1335-1303. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SN.2024.4.36
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i.
Publikované: 31. 12. 2024
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