In: ARS, vol. 57, no. 2
Andrea Huczmanová
Rok, strany: 2024, 152 - 169
Jazyk: cze
Kľúčové slová:
iconography of the mining, Song of Songs, mountains towns, Banská Bystrica, „green
chambre“, mural painting
Typ dokumentu: štúdia
O článku:
The study deals with two selected mural paintings in the green chamber of the Thurzo House in
Banská Bystrica. The scenes are described and reinterpreted in the context of the mining environment
and royal majesty. The interpretation is based on the identification and comparison of the preserved
elements of the scenes with thematically identical material from Central Europe, especially Kutná
Hora and Saxon mining towns.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Huczmanová, A. 2024. Obrazy horníků v zelené světnici Thurzova domu v Banské Bystrici. In ARS, vol. 57, no.2, pp. 152-169. 0044-9008. DOI:
Huczmanová, A. (2024). Obrazy horníků v zelené světnici Thurzova domu v Banské Bystrici. ARS, 57(2), 152-169. 0044-9008. DOI:
O vydaní:
Publikované: 26. 11. 2024