In: Kultúra slova, vol. 58, no. 5
Patrik Jakubek
Rok, strany: 2024, 268 - 280
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
onomastics, toponomastics, etymology, the district of Galanta, lost cities
Typ článku: Štúdie a články
O článku:
Settlement names (oikonyms) can give a very rich testimony about the life of our ancestors or about various inter-lingual interactions. However, many named settlements have disappeared in the past for various reasons and their names have gradually fallen into oblivion. In this paper, we therefore focus on the names of now extinct localities that were located within the cadastral boundaries of todayʼs bilingual Galanta district. The main aim is to clarify their onymic motivation on the basis of their etymological backround.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Jakubek, P. 2024. Názvy zaniknutých osád v okrese Galanta. In Kultúra slova, vol. 58, no.5, pp. 268-280. ISSN 0023-5202.
Jakubek, P. (2024). Názvy zaniknutých osád v okrese Galanta. Kultúra slova, 58(5), 268-280. ISSN 0023-5202.
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