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Komunikácia s rodinou ako forma intervencie v čase jej krízy

In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no. 3
Terézia Harčaríková - Zuzana Ivanová - Kristína Tkáčová
Rok, strany: 2024, 610 - 614
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
Communication, communication about death, terminal illness, death, intervention, crisis, therapy, family, special educator, text
Typ článku: štúdia
O článku:
The paper highlights the importance of communication with a family at the time of loss of a loved one. Commu- nication with survivors, who may be parents, siblings but also grandparents or schoolmates, is described and seen as a communication in crisis. The authors see the form and manner of this communication as a necessary form of interven- tion after the loss of a loved one and as one of the important pillars of so-called grief therapy. In times of crisis, in the “af- termath” of the death of a loved one, words can and often do, in the authors’ experience, have enormous power. Word art, the book, the Bible, often brings parallels with real life. A word, a story, a fairy-tale has great power because it is a carrier of an idea, a carrier of a story, a carrier of a message. The message contained in a story educates us, makes us think, and makes us respond to ourselves and to others to often painful experiences. In many ways, it shows the way. The authors see the justification for using the so-called therapeutic text as a form of intervention after a loss and in time of grieving.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Harčaríková, T., Ivanová, Z., Tkáčová, K. 2024. Komunikácia s rodinou ako forma intervencie v čase jej krízy. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no.3, pp. 610-614. 0037-6787 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SlavSlov.2024.3.21

Harčaríková, T., Ivanová, Z., Tkáčová, K. (2024). Komunikácia s rodinou ako forma intervencie v čase jej krízy. Slavica Slovaca, 59(3), 610-614. 0037-6787 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SlavSlov.2024.3.21
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Slovenský komitét slavistov, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v. v. i.
Publikované: 18. 11. 2024
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