In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no. 2
Марина Михайловна Валенцова
Rok, strany: 2024, 361 - 370
Jazyk: rus
Kľúčové slová:
Slavic ethnolinguistics, folk Slavic demonology, demononyms, christianity, dual faith
Typ článku: štúdia
O článku:
So far, works on the influence of Christianity on mythological beliefs of Slavic and non-Slavic peoples have most often turned to book and artistic culture. The present article attempts to analyse the areas of interference and cultural flow between official Christianity and Slavic folk demonology. Only three such areas have been considered in more detail: the genesis of some mythological characters, the plots and heroes of demonological narratives, and terminology (demononymy). As the far from complete material has shown, folk demonology also experienced a noticeable impact of Christian ideas (e.g., the dichotomy of good and evil), adopted Christian spiritual values (e.g., the concept of sin) and church realities, and introduced Christian (biblical and evangelical) terms and names.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Валенцова, М. 2024. Христианские элементы в народной демонологии славян. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 361-370. 0037-6787 . DOI:
Валенцова, М. (2024). Христианские элементы в народной демонологии славян. Slavica Slovaca, 59(2), 361-370. 0037-6787 . DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Slovenský komitét slavistov, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v. v. i.
Publikované: 18. 11. 2024
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This dielo is licensed under a Creative Commons Uvedenie Autora-Nekomerčné Použitie 4.0 Medzinárodný License.