In: World Literature Studies, vol. 16, no. 3
Rok, strany: 2024, 108 - 125
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
Translation studies. Power hierarchies. Academic positionality. Ethical research. Inclusivity.
Typ dokumentu: PDF
O článku:
The upheavals of recent years have underscored the depth of global interconnectedness, with events like the COVID-19 pandemic, advancements in AI, and armed conflicts prompting swift and unpredictable economic and social changes worldwide. In particular, the discussion delves into the power dynamics within academia, the unequal positioning of researchers in the global knowledge market, and the fundamental right of translation within economic relationships. Drawing from a conference held in Bratislava, Slovakia, in September 2023, this article addresses issues of translation and interpreting-related power dynamics against the backdrop of contemporary political, economic, and cultural developments. Speakers from diverse backgrounds explore how academia can respond to prevailing power hierarchies and disparities in visibility, and whether such structures can be challenged or altered. The discussion extends to the subjectivity inherent in research, including sources of funding, national affiliations, and personal values. Ethical considerations surrounding researcher positionality and appropriating research topics are scrutinized, with a focus on inclusivity and participation. The article emphasizes the importance of considering diverse perspectives and ensuring representation in research teams, particularly when studying topics related to minority groups. Overall, the dialogue offers insights into navigating power dynamics within academia, advocating for ethical research practices, and promoting inclusivity in scholarly pursuits.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Hostová, I., Monticelli, D., Kalnychenko, O., Djovčoš, M. 2024. Addressing power imbalances in research and translation studies. In World Literature Studies, vol. 16, no.3, pp. 108-125. 1337-9275. DOI:
Hostová, I., Monticelli, D., Kalnychenko, O., Djovčoš, M. (2024). Addressing power imbalances in research and translation studies. World Literature Studies, 16(3), 108-125. 1337-9275. DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i.
Publikované: 30. 9. 2024