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Jazykovo-štylistické dominanty slovenských piesňových textov (hitov z rokov 1993 – 2022)

In: Slovenská reč, vol. 89, no. 1
Lena Ivančová - Andrea Čurošová Gavalcová
Rok, strany: 2024, 78 - 96
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
popular song, song lyrics, linguistic and stylistic analysis, language styleme, 1993 – 2022 song hits in Slovakia, Slovak lyricists
Typ článku: Štúdie a články
O článku:
The study elucidates the linguistic and stylistic dominants of 60 lyrics of popular songs from 1993 – 2022 in Slovakia. The research is focused on the characteristics of preferred lexical and morphological stylemes on a wider motivic-semantic background and on the analysis of syntactic-phonic dominants of song lyrics. The research has shown that the authors of song lyrics rarely reach for book words, poetically sounding phrases and general statements, they mostly build their texts on dynamic replicas, or internal monologues of the characters of the songs, which are often transformed into fictitious dialogues, or replicas directed to another character. The significant representation (frequent repetition) of highly frequent lexemes confirms the motivic kinship and the relatively small content-thematic variability of these lyrics. Many contrasts appear in them, antonyms of different types, which fulfill the function of perceptually simple problem elements. Versological symmetry and regularity of rhyming schemes is often disturbed by asymmetric syntactic-phonic structures.
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ISO 690:
Ivančová, L., Čurošová Gavalcová, A. 2024. Jazykovo-štylistické dominanty slovenských piesňových textov (hitov z rokov 1993 – 2022). In Slovenská reč, vol. 89, no.1, pp. 78-96. ISSN 0037-6981. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/slovrec.2024.1.5

Ivančová, L., Čurošová Gavalcová, A. (2024). Jazykovo-štylistické dominanty slovenských piesňových textov (hitov z rokov 1993 – 2022). Slovenská reč, 89(1), 78-96. ISSN 0037-6981. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/slovrec.2024.1.5
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