In: Slovenská reč, vol. 89, no. 1
Marta Vojteková
Rok, strany: 2024, 33 - 60
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
Slovak language, Polish language, translation lexicography, Polish-Slovak dictionary, compilation principles, structure of entries
Typ článku: Štúdie a články
O článku:
This paper presents the compilation principles of the Polish-Slovak Dictionary – a publication that is being prepared within the project of the Slovak-Polish Commission for the Humanities at the Slovak Ministry of Education and the Polish Ministry of Education. The concept focuses on the characteristics of the dictionary in terms of its macrostructure and microstructure. The following parameters of the dictionary entries are described: entry word, pronunciation, word-class and morphological characteristics, functional qualifiers, translation equivalents and phrases. The principles presented reflect current approaches in lexicographical theory and practice and are based on the compilation principles of the most recent explanatory dictionaries of the Slovak language and the Polish language. The unsatisfactory situation in the Polish-Slovak bilingual lexicography is also briefly pointed out, the reasons for the current absence of a Polish-Slovak dictionary of medium or large size are named, and a publication vision is outlined.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Vojteková, M. 2024. Koncepcia Poľsko-slovenského slovníka. In Slovenská reč, vol. 89, no.1, pp. 33-60. ISSN 0037-6981. DOI:
Vojteková, M. (2024). Koncepcia Poľsko-slovenského slovníka. Slovenská reč, 89(1), 33-60. ISSN 0037-6981. DOI:
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