In: Organon F, vol. 30, no. 3
Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova
Rok, strany: 2023, 281 - 309
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
Externalism; thought content; concept mastery; under- standing; perfect speakers.
Typ článku: Research Article
O článku:
In the following paper I propose an argument against internalism about thought content. After a brief preview of the recent debate between Sarah Sawyer and Åsa Wikforss, the paper outlines the central issue in their discussion. I show that, even if Wikforss’ objections against Sawyer are granted, externalism about thought content can still prevail. For my argument, I use Wikforss` own objection against externalism and show how, if accepted, it binds one to the mythical figure of the perfect speaker – an infallible creature that possesses complete understanding of all of her concepts.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Angelova-Elchinova, M. 2023. Perfect Thinkers, Perfect Speakers and Internalism about Thought Content. In Organon F, vol. 30, no.3, pp. 281-309. 1335-0668. DOI:
Angelova-Elchinova, M. (2023). Perfect Thinkers, Perfect Speakers and Internalism about Thought Content. Organon F, 30(3), 281-309. 1335-0668. DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Filozofický ústav SAV, Filosofický ústav AVČR
Publikované: 1. 8. 2023
Verejná licencia:
The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0).