In: Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 55, no. 4
Miroslav Tížik
Rok, strany: 2023, 434 - 464
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
Czechia; Slovakia; worldview; religious affiliation; non-affiliated; religiously indifferent; atheist; typology; EVS/WVS
Typ článku: Studies
Typ dokumentu: Journal
O článku:
In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, four censuses have been conducted since 1990, in which the religious affiliation of the population was monitored. While the first one, in 1991, was carried out with a uniform methodology still within the framework of a common, albeit federalised, state, the later censuses differed from each other in both countries in their methodology, which was changed several times, but also in what they actually measured. In the same period, international surveys that worked with a more unified methodology for measuring religiosity were also conducted, most notably the EVS and WVS programmes. The study will focus on the analysis of the methodology used in both countries and the various risks involved in attempting to compare results between the two countries. Different survey and census results also lead to substantial differences in interpretation of the results of trends in religiosity change, leading to the need for a more in-depth analysis of the impact of the different methods on the results obtainet. Comparisons will be made concerning the possible ways to analyse both the group of people claiming a religious affiliation and those who did not claim a religious affiliation (nones). The ways of comparing the results from the censuses will be tested by using the survey-type studies EVS/WVS.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Tížik, M. 2023. Changes of Worldview Structures in the Czech Republic and Slovakia After 1990. Methodological Aspects of Measuring Religiosity and “Nones”. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 55, no.4, pp. 434-464. 0049-1225. DOI:
Tížik, M. (2023). Changes of Worldview Structures in the Czech Republic and Slovakia After 1990. Methodological Aspects of Measuring Religiosity and “Nones”. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 55(4), 434-464. 0049-1225. DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: The Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Publikované: 31. 7. 2023