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Собака как «нечистое» животное в традиционной народной культуре и языке

In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 55, no. 1
Алла Мстиславовна Архангельская
Rok, strany: 2020, 110 - 122
Jazyk: rus
Kľúčové slová:
The opposition clean-unclean, dog, traditional folk culture, folk tradition, Christian mythology, symbolism, verbal image of the dog.
Typ článku: Rozhľady
O článku:
The paper deals with the mythological-symbolic representations of the dog as an unclean animal in the traditional Slavic folk culture, folklore and Christian tradition as well as their verbal depiction in three Slavic languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Czech. The analysis was based on the variable verbal formulas (charms, spells, curses, etc.), phraseological units and proverbs containing indicators of various demonic, supernatural, sacred properties of a dog and the mythological-ritual comprehension of this animal in the traditional folk culture, folk art and Christianity. The comparative aspect of the analysis is supplemented by the linguocultural and historical-etymological comment.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Архангельская, А. М. 2020. Собака как «нечистое» животное в традиционной народной культуре и языке. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 55, no.1, pp. 110-122. 0037-6787 .

Архангельская, А. М. (2020). Собака как «нечистое» животное в традиционной народной культуре и языке. Slavica Slovaca, 55(1), 110-122. 0037-6787 .