In: Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 7, no. 1
Rok, strany: 2016, 5 - 18
Kľúčové slová:
gender studies, ethnomusicology, traditional musical culture, woman, folk song
Typ článku: 1 Štúdie
O článku:
In Slovakia gender studies are among the least developed research areas in ethnomusicology.
The gender aspect has, however, been integrated into the majority of Slovak works devoted
to folk song, music and dance tradition. It has become part of several research themes and
circles, where its role has been that of a
partial standpoint. This study summarises the results
thus far of the application of the gender aspect in selected research circles (genres, multi-part
singing, dance types). Special attention is given to studies on women in traditional song culture, which began to appear in Slovakia from the turn of the 1980s, focused on tradition
bearers, song genres and mental images.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Urbancová, H. 2016. Rodový aspekt vo výskume ľudovej piesňovej kultúry na Slovensku. In Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 7, no.1, pp. 5-18. 1338-2594.
Urbancová, H. (2016). Rodový aspekt vo výskume ľudovej piesňovej kultúry na Slovensku. Musicologica Slovaca , 7(1), 5-18. 1338-2594.