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konkurz na obsadenie dočasnej výskumnej pozície

Kontakt: job.fusav@savba.sk
Počet zobrazení: 126

Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences is opening three research positions (IP SAS Fellowship) for R2 or R3 researchers starting at earliest from January 2025. Applicants are expected to have strong research experience in research areas active at the Institute and received their first PhD after 01/01/2009. For all applicants there is no further limitation, neither the preference regarding their ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or parental status.

The applications should be submitted before October 15th, 2024 by email to job.fusav@savba.sk. The position is offered for 8 – 24 months (ending at the latest on 31/12/2026 and starting at the lastest on 01/04/2025) with potential extension for up to 12 months. The expected salary starts from 2700 €/month (before taxation). The selection interview is planned to be scheduled in the last week of October 2024. Final decisions are expected to be announced before November 15th, 2024.

Applicants are assumed and recommended to identify and contact potential mentors (R4 researchers) at the Institute of Physics and discuss further steps directly with them. The application must be written in Slovak or English. The application must contain contact information (full name, email address, postal address, etc.), name of the mentor, date of the start of PhD studies, research statement (maximum 1 page, A4 format, font size 11 pt, single line spacing) and CV including publication list and basic scientometric parameters. All this information plus any additional supportive documents (nothing else is required) must be sent to job.fusav@savba.sk before submission deadline. For each application the head of department jointly with the mentor should prepare and independently submit the recommendation letter to the same email address. Without this recommendation letter the application is incomplete, and as such will not be considered. Obtaining the recommendation letter is the subject of internal preselection by mentors and departments.

List of potential mentors or IP SAS Fellow: *)

Djeylan Aktas – quantum optics and quantum communication technologies
Erik Bartoš – particle physics and subnuclear physics
Andrej Gendiar – quantum simulations
Andrej Herzáň – nuclear physics
Matej Jergel – nanomaterials
Denis Kochan – superconductivity and spintronics
Hamed M. Mohammady – quantum thermodynamics and quantum measurement theory
Vojtech Nádaždy – nanomaterials and solar cells
Ondrej Šauša – nuclear physics
Peter Šiffalovič – nanomaterials and batteries
Ladislav Šamaj – statistical physics
Peter Švec ml. – electron microscopy and metal physics
Peter Švec st. – magnetism and metal physics
Martin Venhart – nuclear physics
Mario Ziman – quantum foundations and quantum information technologies

More information about the IP SAS fellow statut as well as the list of successful candidates you find on IP SAS fellow webpage.

*) the list may be updated and does not imply all the mentors are available for hosting IPSAS fellow within this call

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