Traces of the Virgin Mary in Post-Communist Europe
Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
O monografii:
Even though Jesus had only one Mother, and there is only one Virgin Mary, tracing her mundane faces and varieties of her devotion across the centuries and continents has led us to the conclusion that there are as many Marys as there are people and nations who are devoted to her. This publication observes the current diversity of the forms of Marian devotion in post-Communist countries through different national and geographically defined contours and, in particular, the ability of the Virgin Mary to satisfy the hunger for modern spirituality and authentic religiousness, give voice to unofficial and popular religions, revitalise and redefine old places of cult and add new ones, appease war conflicts, speak out on behalf of nations and marginalised ethnic groups, and guard national and conservative values.
Traces of the Virgin Mary in Post-Communist Europe , strany: 16-55 Full text
Contemporary Models of Marian Discourse in Slovakia , strany: 126-151 Full text
Marian Dedications within the Current Cultural Space of Slovakia , strany: 152-170 Full text
424 strán
Jazyk: anglický
O vydaní:
Vydavatelia: Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Vydanie: 1.
Miesto vydania: Bratislava
Rok vydania: 2019
ISBN 978-80-224-1782-2 (print)
Typ knihy: monografia
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Zachar Podolinská, T. ed.: Traces of the Virgin Mary in Post-Communist Europe. 1 vyd. Bratislava : Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 2019. pp. 424. ISBN 978-80-224-1782-2.
Zachar Podolinská, T ed. (2019). Traces of the Virgin Mary in Post-Communist Europe. Bratislava : Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-224-1782-2.