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Oceľ a obrazovky, strany: 36-47  Full text
Multimédia a divadlo, strany: 202-216  Full text
Vydavatelia: Centrum vied o umní Slovenskej akadémie vied , Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy
Typ knihy: editorovaná kniha
Publikované: 29. 12. 2023
Rok vydania: 2023
Miesto vydania: Banská Bystrica
Počet strán: 312
Jazyk: slovenský, anglický
ISBN 978-80-971155-5-5 (online)
O kapitole
In: Divadlo pre 21. storočie: Zborník vedeckých príspevkov z medzinárodnej Banskobystrickej teatrologickej konferencie
Beata Popczyk-Szczęsna

Intermedial Performance in the Polish 21st Century Theatre – Selected Examples

In the Polish theatre of the 21st century, one can observe many performances in which the representation of biography is a clear example of intermediality and remediation in the latest performing arts. Polish creators use various stage strategies in the process of transforming traces of someone else’s life. Many of these stage practices are realized in the form of intermedial relations of a given object (activity) with “old” and/or “new” audio-visual technologies. Many of them also involve the oscillation between engaging the audience emotionally and creating a distance from the act of creation. On the example of selected performances by Krystian Lupa, Wojtek Ziemilski, Bartosz Frąckowiak and Remigiusz Brzyk, it was indicated how the discourse of intermediality correlates with different varieties of biographical practices. These are: “biotheatre” with elements of psychodrama, an intermedial performance composed of processed autobiographical threads, a monodrama-stage discourse about the process of opening archives and ironic remediation in which the "biographical action" is a component of a patchwork stage narrative.
Strany: 86 - 101
Jazyk: anglický
Rok vydania: 2023
Kľúčové slová:
intermedial performance, remediation, discourse of intermediality, Polish 21st century theatre, biography