Asian and African Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 14, 2005, No. 2
ISSN 1335-1257 (print)
ISSN 2585-8793 (online)
- Drozdík, L.: Structural and Semantic Limits of Coordination in Korean. (s. 113)
- Šoucová, J.: The Japanese Honorific Language: Its Past, Present and Future. (s. 136)
- Wong, D.: “At Home Nowhere and Everywhere”: Musings of the Postmodern Hong Kong Citizen. (s. 148)
- Gálik, M.: Three from the Sino-European Babel: Cherkassky, Malmquist, Kubin and Translation of the Twentieth Century Chinese Poetry in Europe. (s. 158)
- Sorby Karol, R.: The Political Climate in Iraq in the Aftermath of the 1958 Revolution. (s. 167)
- Gažáková, Z.: Remarks on Arab Scholarship in the Arabic Popular Sīra and the Sīrat Sayf lbn Ḏī Yazan. (s. 187)
- Magdolen, D.: The Development of the Sign of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshat down to the End of the Old Kingdom: Analysis and Interpretation. Part Two.. (s. 196)
- Bucková, M.: Millenarian Movements in Polynesia. Their Rise and Spread Immediately after Christianization.. (s. 228)