Asian and African Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 20, 2011, No. 1
ISSN 1335-1257 (print)
ISSN 2585-8793 (online)
- Zhang, S.: Lyricism and Its Discontents: Exploring Three Dimensions of Modern Chinese Poetics. (s. 1)
- Sorby Jr., K.: Iraq’s First Coup Government (1936 ‒ 1937) . (s. 23)
- Boušek, D.: Polemics in the Age of Religious Persecutions: Maimonides’ Attitude towards Islam. (s. 46)
- Inanir, E.: A Comparativistic Approach to “The Myth of Punishment”. (s. 86)
- Gálik, M.: Preliminary Remarks on the Prague School of Sinology II. (s. 95)
- Bucková, M.: A Comparison and Analysis of Eschatological Themes in Polynesian Mythology as a Survivor of Proto-Polynesian Unity. (s. 114)
- Gálik, M.: Report on the First EU-China High Level Cultural Forum in Brussels: Reflections of a Participant. (s. 135)
- Pawliková-Vilhanová, V.: Debating the Fontes Historiae Africanae Project and the Production of Historical Knowledge in Africa. (s. 142)
Book Reviews
- Rácová, A.: KOLSKY, Elizabeth. Colonial Justice in British India. (s. 150)
- Wanner, J.: SORBY, Karol R. Jún 1967. Šesť dní, ktoré zmenili Blízky východ. [June 1967. The Six Days that Changed the Middle East]. (s. 152)
- Tamene, G.: PAWLIKOVÁ-VILHANOVÁ, Viera (Ed.) Pestrý svet žitého náboženstva: Náboženská a kultúrna identita menšinových komunít vo vzťahu k majoritným. [The Varied World of Religion in Practice: Religious and Cultural Identity of Minority Communities as Compared to t. (s. 154)
- Tamene, G.: PAWLIKOVÁ-VILHANOVÁ, Viera (Ed.) Umenie slova: Jazyk, písmo, ľudová slovesnosť a zrod literatúr v krajinách subsaharskej Afriky [The Art of Words: Language, Letters, Folk Literature and the Origin of Literature in Sub-Saharan Africa]. (s. 158)