Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD.
On this page, you can search the on-line database of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the publications.
Select year/category for a list of publications:
- VESELSKÝ, M. - RUBOVIČ, P. - PETOUSIS, V. - DA LUZ, H. Natal - BURIAN, P. - MÁNEK, P. - MEDUNA, L. - SMOLYANSKIY, P. - RAABE, R. - CAMAIANI, A. - KLIMO, J. - POLESHCHUK, O. - YOUSSEF, A. - CEULEMANS, A. - LATIF, M. - JANDEL, M. - BÍROVÁ, Monika - HERZÁŇ, Andrej - ŠPAČEK, Andrej - VENHART, Martin - PELLEGRITI, M. G. - ANDREYEV, A. N. - PAGE, C. - SOULIOTIS, G. A. - LICA, R. Determination of fission barrier height of 210Fr and 210Ra via neutron measurement. In Physical Review C, 2024, vol. 109, no.1, art. no. 014618. (2023: 3.2 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 1.223 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 2469-9985. Dostupné na: (APVV-20-0532 : Experimentálne štúdium deformácie a elektromagnetických vlastností atómových jadier. VEGA č. 2/0067/21 : Jadrová štruktúra v okolí uzavretých protónových vrstiev) Type: ADCA
Citation, reviews:
1.1 | Citations in foreign publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection |
1.2 | Citations in foreign publications registered in Scopus |
2.1 | Citations in domestic publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection |
2.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in Scopus |
*3 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.1 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.2 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
*4 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.1 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
5 | Reviews in foreign publications |
6 | Reviews in domestic publications |
7 | Art critiques – foreign |
8 | Art critiques – domestic |
9 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in foreign publications or media |
*9 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
10 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in domestic publications or media |
*10 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |