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Curriculum vitae

prof. PhDr. Ivan Gerát, PhD.

born 1964, June 10 in Čadca, Slovakia

2016 - Professor in History and Theory of Art (University of Trnava, Faculty of Philosophy)
2009 - "doc." (=Associated Professor), habilitation in the History and Theory of Art at the University of Trnava, Philosophical Faculty, with the thesis: "Themes and Contexts. Studies in Iconography of Art of the Middle Ages in Slovakia"
1994 – „Dr. phil.“ from the University of Freiburg (Germany). Dissertation: "Unerwünschte Freiheit. Instrumentalisierung des Mittelalterbildes im kunsthistorischen Denken von Hans Sedlmayr" (Advisor: Prof. W. Schlink)
1991 - 1994 Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg: History of Art, Philosophy and Slavistics
1989 - 1991 Slovak Academy of Sciences´ Institute for Art History in Bratislava (postgradual studies in Art History with Prof. J. Bakoš)
1987 - "PhDr." degree from Comenius University in Bratislava, graduated with a thesis on Hegels interpretation of Greek tragedy (advisor: Prof. J. Martinka)
1982 - 1987 Comenius University in Bratislava, History of Art and Aesthetics.

Employment – Appointments

1995 – present: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Art Research Centre, Institute for Art History, Bratislava (since 2005 – Director of the Institute)
2016 – present: Professor of Theory and History of Art, University of Trnava
2009-2016 – Associate Professor of Theory and History of Art, University of Trnava
1995-2000, 2004-2009 – Assistant Professor of Theory and History of Art, University of Trnava

Teaching Experience

1995 – 2001, 2005 – present: University of Trnava, History of Art and Culture Department, courses (lectures and seminars) in Romanesque Painting and Sculpture, Gothic Painting and Sculpture, Medieval Iconography, Methodology of Art History and Artwork Interpretation
2003 The Society for Higher Learning, Bratislava, course of seminars "Image, Text, Ideology" (in English),
1999/2000 Comenius University Bratislava, Department of Art History, lectures on Medieval Iconography
1997 and 1999 Courses of lectures "Cultural History of Medieval Europe" at Academia Istropolitana Nova in Bratislava - Svätý Jur (in English)
1990-1991 Comenius University Bratislava, Department of Aesthetics – course of lectures "Art History for the students of Aesthetics"

Fellowships & Grants
- international:
2018 - Feb. – Fellow in Residence, the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association, Marburg, Germany
2017, Feb.-June – Clark Fellow in Residence, Clark Institute, Williamstown, MA, USA
2016. Sep. – Ronald and Eileen Weiser Professional Development Award, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
2010, Dec. – 2014, March “European Dimensions of the Artistic Culture in Slovakia”, project of the Structural Funds of the European Union, Research and development programme (principal investigator and project leader)
2011, Aug. - Mellon Research Fellowship, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
2004, Okt. – Kress Foundation research grant, University of Vienna, Austria
2000, Sept. - Nov. – Fulbright Foundation research grant, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
2000, July – DAAD research grant, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany
1997, July - Sept. – visiting scholar, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum für Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig, Germany
1996, Sept. - Nov. and 1998, Febr. – Mellon Research Fellowship, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
1991–1994 DAAD scholarship grant, Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg, Germany

- national:
2016–2020 The Three Magi as a Theme in the Art in Slovakia - Interdisciplinary Studies on Cultural Tradition and Communication (APVV Grant Agency, leader of the project team);
2015–2018 The Fundamental Concepts of Image Theory in Interdisciplinary Reflexion and Art-historical Application (VEGA Grant Agency, leader of the project team);
2011–2014 “Studies about the Poetics of Pictorial Narrative in the Middle Ages” (VEGA Grant Agency, individual project);
2008–2010 ”Medieval Pictures of Fighting Saints in Slovakia” (VEGA Grant Agency, individual project);
2005–2007 “Theme, Medium and Context – Pictorial Cult of Sait Elizabeth in the Pre-Reformation Era in Slovakia“ (VEGA Grant Agency, individual project);
2002 –2004 “Art as a Historical Memory – Motivations of Revivals and Survivals in the Visual Art” (VEGA Grant Agency, leader of the project team);
1999 – 2001 “Art of Slovakia - its Historical Functions” (VEGA Grant Agency, leader of the project team);
1996 – 1998 “Themes and their Contexts in the Art of 14th and 15th Centuries in Slovakia” (VEGA Grant Agency, individual project).

Professional Memberships:
- 2017 on – Board Member of RIHA, the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art
- 2014 on member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics – Association internationale des critiques d´art)
- 2012 on: corresponding member of The Society of Hungarian Archaeologists and Art Historians (Hungary);
- 2012 on: member of the scholarly council of the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava.
- 2011 - 2019: member of the artistic council, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava;
- 2010–2012: member of the External Counselling Body, Research Institute for Art History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
- 2006 on: member of the Council of the Research Centre, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava;
- 2009-2017: member of the editorial board of the journal Artium Questiones (Poland);
- 2011 on: member of the scholarly council of the Faculty of Arts, University of Trnava;
- 2002 on: member of the editorial board of Profil, journal for contemporary art;
- 2002 on: International Council of Museums (individual member);
- 1999 on: member of the advisory board of ARS, journal of the Institute for Art History of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- 1987 on: Art-historical Society of Slovakia (member of the executive committee 1997 – 2005, 2009 – present);

Editorial work
- 1999 on: member of the advisory board of ARS, journal of the Institute for Art History of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- 2002 on: member of the editorial board of Profil, journal for contemporary art

Conference organisation & Proceedings

2018 – international workshop “Saint Elizabeth and Medieval Pictorial Hagiography”, the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association, Marburg, Germany, proceedings not yet published
2007 – International conference “The Borders in the Art History of Central Europe“
Proceedings published in ARS 2/2007;
2004 – Interdisciplinary conference “Umenie ako historická pamäť – motivácie návratov a tradovania vo výtvarnom umení“ (Art as a Historical Memory – Motivations of Survivals and Revivals in Visual Arts) Proceedings published in ARS 2/2005;
1999 – Interdisciplinary conference “Umenie Slovenska - jeho historické funkcie” (Art of Slovakia – its Historical Functions). Proceedings appeared in Bratislava 1999.

Lectures and Papers Delivered Abroad
A/ invited public lectures:
2019 - „Obrazy v silových poliach imaginácie“ (“The images in the power fields of imagination”), The Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic,
2018 – “Immediate Actions and Visual Media. Conceptual Questions in the Pictorial Cult of Saint Elizabeth”, the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association, Marburg, Germany
2017 – "Image, Narrative, and Mentality: Recent Perspectives in Approaching Medieval Pictorial Legends.", Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, USA
2016 – "Marxist Iconology and Social Art History in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War", University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
2016 – public discussion on the topic “Marriage, Poverty and Bridal Mysticism in a 14th-Century Franciscan Convent: Remarks on the Pictorial Life of St Elizabeth in the Liber Depictus”, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
2016 "Chudoba v kontextu: Násilí, utrpení a manželská mystika v obrazové legendě o sv. Alžbětě", Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2013 – “Tormented Bodies in Late Medieval Paintings”, University of Szeged, Hungary
2009 – “Historische Funktionen der Ladislauszyklen im 14. Jahrhundert”, Kunsthistorisches Institut, University of Vienna, Austria
2003 – "Pictures of Visions and the Iconography of Saint Elisabeth“, Institute for Art History, Prague
2000 - "Saint Elizabeth´s works of mercy in the late medieval pictorial narrative", Index of Christian Art, Princeton
1999 - "Kampf und Heiligkeit in der mittelalterlichen Slowakei", Wien, Slowakisches Institut
1997 - "Wenzeslauslegende als sakralisierte Staatsidee in der Kunst", GWZO Leipzig

B/ conference papers at international conferences abroad
2018 – “Christoformitas, christomimesis and the Interpretations of Violence in Late Medieval Central Europe”, international conference Moving Violence: Transgressing the Boundaries of Experience in Medieval Imagery, Tel Aviv University, Israel
2018 – “Images and Visual Media in the Cult of St. Elizabeth”, international conference Wie funktionieren Bilder? / How Do Images Work?, Vienna University, Austria
2018 – “Holy Magi and their Star – Textual and Visual Approaches”, The 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies), Kalamazoo, MI, USA
2018 – “Saint George between Media and Functions”, the conference The Power of Media. Patronage, Representation, and Propaganda in the Early Modern Period (1450–1800) between the Mediterranean and Central Europe, University of Split, Croatia
2018 – “Great Questions of the Small – the Research Infrastructure for art History between Politics and Philosophy”, the conference “Monuments and Artworks in East Central Europe Research Infrastructure”, Herder Institute, Marburg, Germany
2017 – “Military saints between universal archetypes and historical functions”, the conference Socialist Internationalism & the Global Contemporary: Transnational Art Historiographies from Eastern and East-Central Europe, Leibniz-Institute für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Leipzig, Germany
2017 – “The legend of Saint George in Jindřichuv Hradec”, the workshop Tower Houses as Symbols of Rulership: Functions, Design, Symbolism, Jelenia Góra, Poland
2016 – “Marxist Iconology in Czechoslovakia before 1968”, international conference “Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II”, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
2016 - “Eternal Values and Historical Situations in Visual Cult of St Elizabeth”, international conference “Time and Temporality in Medieval and Early Modern Art“, The Open University of Israel, Raanana, Israel
2016 “The Princess at Work – Some Questions Concerning the Vita of Saint Elizabeth in Cod. Vind. 370 (Liber depictus), international conference “Unity and diversity of medieval (Central) Europe“, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
2015 – “The Role of Saintly Personalities in Popular Discourses on Baroque around 1970”, international conference “Barock für ein breites Publikum. Konstruktionen der Epoche in populären Medien diesseits und jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
2015 – „Kinderehe und Heiratspolitik in der Ikonographie des Spätmittelalters“, international conference Wiener Kongress 1515. Zentraleuropa zwischen Jagiellonen und Habsburgern, Wien, Austria
2015 – „Einige Gedanken zum Referat von Prof. Wojciech Bałus Die Sigismundkapelle in Krakau oder die Renaissanceforschung zwischen dem wissenschaftlichen Diskurs der Stalinzeit und dem venezianischen Spiegel des eisernen Vorhangs“, Internationaler Workshop "Die Renaissancen der Renaissance. Die Aneigung einer Epoche in der marxistichen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung" Greifswald, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Germany
2015 – „Modern Art, Value Theory and Totalitarianism. Research Questions in and around the Work of Marian Váross”, international workshop Art Historical Research in Context: Teaching and Exhibiting Modern Art before and after 1945, Ljubljana, France Stele Institute of Art History, Slovenia
2014 – “Some Structural Comparisons of Pictorial Legends from Medieval Hungary”, international workshop "Saints d'implantation et saints de souche", l'Université de Paris-Nord (Villetaneuse), France
2014 – “Struktur, Strukturen und die Frage nach Werten der barocken Architektur zwischen Wien und Trnava (Tyrnau)“, international conference “Asymmetrische Kunstgeschichte?" Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
2014 – “Smiles of the Tortured”, the 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA
2014 – “The Power of Deceased in Panel Paintings from Central Europe (c. 1474 – 1507)“, international conference Performing Power Through Visual Narrativity In Late Medieval Europe. An Interdisciplinary Approach. Poreč, Croatia
2014 – “St George on Late Medieval Central European Altarpieces“, International Mediaeval Congress, University of Leeds, UK
2013 – “Burning desires. Saint Anthony and dangerous women in the panel paintings from Central Europe around 1500”, International Mediaeval Congress, University of Leeds, UK
2012 – “Iconography and Styles between Lübeck and Košice around 1450”, international conference “Les transferts iconographiques et stylistiques à l époque gothique”, organized by INHA Paris, Liège, Belgium
2012 – “Visual Cults of Saints between the Kingdoms of Hungary and Poland – the Case of Medieval Spiš (1412 – 1526)”, Centre for Advanced Academic Studies Dubrovnik, Croatia
2012 – “Visions and Apparitions in the Late Medieval Pictorial Hagiography of Slovakia”, international conference “Visions”, University of Rijeka, Croatia
2011 – “Constructing the image of poverty – the pictorial legends of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary”, International Mediaeval Congress, University of Leeds, UK
2011 – “The Migration of Artistic Models in Pictorial Hagiography Around 1400”, international conference “Art and Architecture around 1400”, University of Maribor, Slovenia
2010 – “Fragmented cycles. The fate of some less known pictorial cycles with Saint Ladislas”, international conference “Dying Monuments in East Central Europe”, Balatonfüred, Hungary
2010 – “Dying again and again – the legend of Saint George in Jindřichův Hradec (Neuhaus)”, international conference “Iconography of Death”, Rijeka, Croatia
2009 – “Meeting the ultimate friend – visions and auditions in the images of dying St. Francis and St. Elisabeth”, international conference on Franciscan Iconography, Rijeka, Croatia
2009 – “Historical Functions of the Ladislas cycles in the 14th c. Scepusia (Spiš / Szepes / Zips)”, international conference “Mediaeval Wall Painting in Central Europe”, Balatonfüred, Hungary
2008 – „Dismantling the Empire, deconstructing universalism: national discourses, art history and the end of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy“,International conference La
Nation – Enjeu de l’histoire de l’art en Europe 1900-1950 Paríž, 18.11.2008
2008 – „Holy Wars and Holy Patrons – the Teutonic Order and the Pictorial Legends of its Patrons in Central Europe (c. 1235 – 1350)“ on the CEU Summer School “From Holy War to Peaceful Co-habitation. Diversity of Crusading and the Military Orders”, Budapest, July 14 – 25
2008 – „The trials of the martyrs – legal and cosmic aspects of late mediaeval visual topoi”, International conference „Iconology of Law and Order (Legal and Cosmic)“, Szeged, June 7 – 10
2008 – „Individual and collective narratives about artistic past” International conference Central European Heritage – Common Heritage, Balatonfüred, April 23 – 26
2008 – „Einige Interpretationsprobleme der Elisabethlegende im Krumauer Bildercodex (Cod. Vind. 370)“ International conference “Praha a velká kulturní centra Evropy v době lucemurské”, Prague, April 2 – 4
2007 - Traditions and Innovations - Pictorial Lives of Saint Elizabeth in Central Europe before and around 1500. International conference East Meets West at the Crossroads of the Early Modern Europe, University of Sussex, Sussex 6–7 September 2007.
2007 - Key Scenes of the Painted Legends in the Middle Ages: Anthropological, Semiotic, and Phenomenological Aspects of the Visual Narratives. International workshop of European Science Foundation Global Theory, Local Practices, and the Research of Visual Matter, Vilnius 20-22 September 2007.
2007 - Die Bildlegende am Hauptaltar der Heiligen Elisabeth in Kaschau – natürliche und übernatürliche Aspekte. International conference to the 800th Universary of the Birth of St. Elisabeth of Hungary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 20 October 2007.
2007 - La légende picturale de sainte Élisabeth à Košice – les aspects naturels et surnaturels. International conference Sainte Élisabeth (1207-1231) : Huit Siecles de Rayonnement Européen, CNRS (Département Sciences Humaines et Sociales), Paris 16-17 November 2007.
2007 - Between anthropology and regional politics – some questions of pictorial legends in Central Europe. International conference CIHA 2007 How to Write Art History – National, Regional or Global?, Budapest November 21–25
2005 – “The afterlife of Stoss style and its contexts – the high altar of St. George in Spišská Sobota“ (Muzeum Narodowe, Krakow)
2004 – “Redefining the ´National´“National“ – Medieval Pictorial Legends of Saint Ladislas and their Interpretations“, 31st Congress of CIHA, Montreal
2004 – “Angels, demons and the politics of the late mediaeval pictorial hagiography“ (HAS Research Institute for Art History, Budapest)
2004 – “Paralely, analógie a kontrasty: poznámky k tematike a funkciám obrazových legiend sv. Václava a sv. Ladislava v 14. storočí“ (Institute for Art History AS ČR, Prague)
2003 – “Tschechoslowakische Staatssymbolik und slowakische Nationalmythen im Werk von Ľudovít Fulla“ (GWZO Leipzig)
2002 – "Das Hochaltarretabel der Elisabethkirche zu Kaschau", (HAS Research Institute for Art History, Budapest)
2001 - "Ladislauszyklen und nationale Mythen - Suche nach dem Archetypischen als Deutungsmethode" (Humboldt Universität, Berlin)
2000: „Urban Culture as a Factor of Change in Dynastic Pictorial Hagiography in 15th Century Northern Hungary“ (Moravská galerie, Brno)
1999 – "Epitaph des jagiellonischen Diplomaten in Preßburg" (Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg)
1995 - "Der Traum vom heiligen Land in mittelalterlichen Darstellungen der Ladislauslegende“ (University of Poznan)
1990 - "Dvořák and Kokoschka" (conference center, Dubrovnik)

International expert activities

2015-2017 – repeatedly invited as expert evaluator, working for the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission in the framework of the 2016 evaluation exercise Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Scientific Panel ECO-SOC
2015 – project evaluations in the framework of the Phase I of the Evaluation of the Research and Professional Activities of the Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences for 2010 – 2014


A/ Books:

Gerát, I.: High Altar to St. Elizabeth in Košice. Košice : JES SK, 2016
Gerát, I.: Legendary Scenes : an Essay on Medieval Pictorial Hagiography. Bratislava : Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Science, 2013.
Gerát, I.: Úvod do vizuálnej kultúry stredoveku (Introduction into Medieval Visual Culture). Trnava: Filozofická fakulta TU, 2013.
Gerát, I.: Svätí bojovníci v stredoveku (Holy Fighters in the Middle Ages) Bratislava: Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Science, 2011.
Gerát, I.: Obrazové legendy sv. Alžbety. Téma, médium a kontext.(Pictorial Legends of Saint Elizabeth: Theme, Medium and Context) Bratislava: Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Science, 2009.
Gerát, I.: Stredoveké obrazové témy na Slovensku - osoby a príbehy.(Medieval Pictorial Themes in Slovakia - Persons and Stories) Bratislava, Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Science, 2001.
Gerát, I.: Unerwünschte Freiheit. Instrumentalisierung des Mittelalterbildes im kunsthistorischen Denken von Hans Sedlmayr. Diss., Freiburg, Germany, 1994.
Gerát, I. – Zervan, M. (eds). Algoritmy obrazov - obrazy algoritmov (Algorithms of Images – Images of Algorithms). Bratislava : Nadácia Novum : Slovart : Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave, 2019. 169 pp. ISBN 978-80-556-4143-0.
Zuzana Bartošová, Ivan Gerát, Marta Herucová, Jozef Medvecký, Martin Vančo: Umenie na Slovensku : stručné dejiny obrazov. (Art in Slovakia. A Brief History of Images) Bratislava : Slovart, 2007.

B/ Articles (selected):

GERÁT, Ivan. Marxism and Iconology in Czechoslovakia During the Cold War : preliminary Remarks. In A Socialist Realist History? : Writing Art History in the Post-War Decades. - Wien ; Köln ; Weimar : Böhlau, 2019, pp. 100-117. ISBN 978-3-412-51161-6.
GERÁT, Ivan. Die Jesuiten- und Universitätskirche in Trnava (Tyrnau, Nagyszombat) im Spiegel des kunsthistorischen Diskurses um und nach 1948. In RIHA Journal : Journal of the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art, 2019, art. no 0213. .
GERÁT, Ivan - ZERVAN, Marián. Bičovanie v obraznosti a myslení v stredoveku (Flagellation in Medieval Imagination and Thinking). In Kultúrne dejiny, 2019, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 25-41. (2018: 0.191 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1338-2009.
GERÁT, Ivan. Kinderehe und Heiligenkulte? Eine Frage zur Darstellung der Wiener Doppelhochzeit. In Das Wiener Fürstentreffen von 1515 : Beiträge zur Geschichte der Habsburgisch-Jagiellonischen Doppelvermählung. - Budapest : Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Science, 2019, s. 429-438. ISBN 978-963-416-158-5. ISSN 2630-8827.
Gerát, Ivan. The High Altar Retable of Saint Elizabeth in Košice (Kassa/Kaschau) (Pls. 23-25). In The Art of Medieval Hungary. - Roma : Viella, 2018, pp. 431-433.
Gerát, Ivan. Some Structural Comparisons of Pictorial Legends from Medieval Hungary. In Les saints et leur culte en Europe centrale au Moyen Âge (XIe-début du XVIe siècle). - Turnhout : Brepols, 2017, pp. 293-310.
Gerát, Ivan. Johan Huizinga and Max Dvořák on images: a shared interest in medieval images in and around 1919. In World Literature Studies : časopis pre výskum svetovej literatúry, 2017, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 31-40.
Gerát, Ivan - Zervan, Marián. Images, media and idols (an explanation of Štefan Papčo´s Works "Citizens"). In Artium Quaestiones, 2016, 27, pp. 171-195. Gerát, Ivan. Historická pamäť a hagiografická typizácia v stredoveku - poznámka k ladislavským cyklom. In Ikonografie : témata, motivy, interpretace. - Praha : Univerzita Karlova : Karolinum, 2016, pp. 60-70.
Gerát, Ivan. Detský sobáš a zabíjanie draka v umení okolo roku 1515. In Prelomové obdobie dejín : (politika, spoločnosť, kultúra v roku 1515). - Bratislava : Historický ústav SAV vo vydavateľstve Igor Iliť - RádioPrint, 2017, pp. 307-314.
Gerát, Ivan. The Visual World of the Hungarian Angevin Legendary. By Béla Zsolt Szakács. (Central European Cultural Heritage 1.) Budapest: Central European University Press, 2015. 350 pp. In Hungarian Historical Review : New Series of Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2017, vol. 6, n. 3, pp. 683–685.
Gerát, Ivan. Baroque images of the saints, their visions and emotions as reflected by popular discourses around 1970. In Journal of Art Historiography, 2016, number 15, https://arthistoriography.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/gerat.pdf.
Gerát, Ivan. The Power of Deceased in Panel Paintings from Central Europe (C. 1474-1507). In Hortus Artium Medievalium : Journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages, 2015, vol. 21, pp. 284-295.
Gerát, Ivan. Nebezpečné ženy v obrazových legendách sv. Antona okolo roku 1500. (Dangeous Women in the Pictorial Legends of Saint Anthony around 1500) In Setkávání : studie o středověkém umění věnované Kláře Benešovské. - Praha : Ústav dějin umění AV ČR, v.v.i., 2015, pp. 122-134.
Gerát, Ivan. Saintly Patrons, their Altarpieces, and Regional Identities in Medieval Scepusia. In Cuius Patrocinio Tota Gaudet Regio : Saints´Cults and the Dynamics of Regional Cohesion. - Zagreb : Hagiotheca, 2014, pp. 297-311.
Gerát, Ivan. Zvieratá v obrazových legendách stredoveku (The Animals in Medieval Pictorial Legends) In DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Daniela. Človek a svet zvierat v stredoveku. - Bratislava : Veda, 2015, pp. 25-38.
Gerát, Ivan. Federico Botana. The Works of Mercy in Italian Medieval Art (c. 1050-c.1400). Medieval Church Studies 20. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. Pp. xl,256; 12 color illus., 110 black-and-white illus. In Studies in Iconography, 2014, vol. 35, pp. 339-341.
Gerát, I.: De Lübeck à Košice. Les transferts iconographiques et stylistiques entre deux cycles iconographiques consacrés à Élisabeth de Thuringe vers 1450. In Les transferts artistiques dans l´Europe gothique : repenser la circulation des artistes, des oeuvres, des themes et des savoir-faire (XIIe-XVIe siecle). - Paris : Picard, 2014, pp. 319-336.
Gerát, I.: Várossov pojem umeleckého obrazu vo svetle súčasných vied o obraze (Váross´ Concept of Artistic Image in the Light of Contemporary Iconology) In Filozofia, (69) 2014, N. 2, pp. 154-163.
Gerát, I.: Visions and the Image of Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in the Pre-Reformation Period. In Ikon : časopis za ikonografske studije, 6 (2013), pp. 131-140.
Gerát, I.: Notes on the Iconography of the Altar of the Holly Cross in Sabinov (Zeben, Kisszeben). In Ars Hungarica : a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Művészettörténeti Kutató, 39 (2013), pp. 54-60.
Gerát, I.: Dve hľadiská interpretácie obrazových legiend vo vizuálnej kultúre neskorého stredoveku (Two Perspectives on the Pictorial Legends in Late Medieval Visual Culture). In World Literature Studies : časopis pre výskum svetovej literatúry, 2013, vol. 5 [22], pp. 41-55.
Gerát, I.: Zázraky v obrazových legendách stredoveku - niektoré problémy interpretácie (Miracles in Medieval Pictorial Legends – Some Problems of Interpretation). In Vedy o umeniach a dejiny kultúry : zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej konferencie. Gerát, I.; Bžoch, A.; Podmaková, D.; Urbancová, H.; Hučková, D.; Žeňuch, P. (eds.). - Bratislava : Ústav dejín umenia SAV, 2013, pp. 110-120.
Gerát, I.: Pictorial Cycles of St. Ladislas - Some Problems of Interpretation. In Slovensko a Chorvátsko : historické paralely a vzťahy (do roku 1780). Vedecká redakcia Martin Homza, Ján Lukačka, Neven Budak. - Bratislava ; Zagreb : Katedra slovenských dejín, Filozofická fakulta UK : Odsjek za slovačku povijest, Filozofski fakultet Comenius sveučilišta, 2013, pp. 293-307.
Gerát, I.: The Trials of the Martyrs - Legal and Cosmic Aspects of Late Mediaeval Visual Topoi. In The Iconology of Law and Order (Legal and Cosmic). Edited by Anna Kérchy, Attila Kiss, György E. Szönyi. - Szeged : IEAS, 2012, pp. 29-40.
Gerát, I.: Saint Anthony the Hermit in the Northern Renaissance - Some Aspects of His Painted Legends. In Centres and Peripheries in European Renaissance Culture: Essays by East-Central European Mellon Fellows. Edited by György E. Szönyi, Csaba Maczelka - Szeged : Jate Press, 2012, pp. 213-222.
Gerát, I.: Dying Again and Again: Remarks on the Legend of Saint George in Jindřichův Hradec (Neuhaus). Ikon : journal of Iconographic Studies, 4 (2011), pp. 175-183.
Gerát, I.: Individual and collective narratives of the artistic past : the case of the Church of Saint Elizabeth, Kassa (Košice, SK). In Bonum ut pulchrum : essays in Art History in Honour of Ernő Marosi on His Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Livia Varga, László Beke, Anna Jávor, Pál Lővei, Imre Takács. - Budapest : Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2010, pp. 519-528.
Gerát, I.: Meeting the Ultimate Friend: Visions and Auditions in the images of Dying St Francis and St Elisabeth. In Ikon : journal of Iconographic Studies, 3 (2010), pp. 271-276.
Gerát, I.: Traditions and Innovations : Pictorial Lives of Saints Elisabeth in Central Europe in the Late Fifteenth Century. In Ikonotheka, 22 (2009), pp. 95-103.
Gerát, I.: Between anthropology and regional politics – some questions of mediaeval pictorial legends in Central Europe. In: Acta Historiae Artium, Vol. 49, 2008, No. 1, pp. 77-87.
Gerát, I.: Saints and their heavenly bridegroom - pictorial documents of feminine mystic in Central Europe. In The Iconology of Gender I. : Eastern & Western traditions of European Iconography 3. - Szeged : IEAS, 2008, pp. 41-48.
Gerát, I.: Smrť a zomieranie v obrazových legendách stredoveku (Death and Dying in Medieval Pictorial Legends). In Vnímať, konať, myslieť. Editor Róbert Karul, Martin Muránsky, Jaroslava Vydrová. - Bratislava : Filozofický ústav SAV, 2008, pp. 77-88.
Gerát, I.: Einige Interpretationsprobleme der Elisabethlegende im Krumauer Bildercodex (Cod. Vind. 370). In: Prag und die grossen Kulturzentren Europas in der Zeit der Luxemburger (1310-1437). Markéta Jarošová, Jiří Kuthan. - Praha : Karlova univerzita, 2008. ISBN 978-80-87258-10-1, pp. 473-483.
Gerát, I.: Angels, demons and the politics of the late mediaeval pictorial hagiography. In: Acta Historiae Artium, Tomus 48, 2007, pp. 263-271.
Gerát, I.: Das Phänomen der Grenze in mittelalterlichen Bildlegenden der Heiligen Elisabeth von Ungarn In: Ars, 40 - 2 (2007), pp. 177-184.
Gerát, I.: Walter Benjamin a otázka obrazových médií v stredoveku. (Walter Benjamin and the Problems of Visual Media in the Middle Ages) In: Slovak Review 16 - 1 (2007), pp. 37-43.
Gerát, I.: Kostol v obrazových legendách sv. Františka z Assisi – skutočnosť a metafora. (Church in the pictorial legends of Saint Francis of Assisi – Reality and Metaphor) In: Studia Archaelogica Slovaca Medieaevalia 6 (2007), pp. 161-172.
Gerát, I.: Téma a médium – poznámky k počiatkom obrazového kultu sv. Alžbety. (Theme and Medium – Remarks on the Early Pictorial Legends of Saint Elisabeth) In: Kožiak, Rastislav – Nemeš, Jaroslav (ed.): Svätec a jeho funkcie v spoločnosti I, Bratislava 2006, pp. 317-331.
Gerát, I.: The Afterlife of the Stoss Style and Its Contexts – the High Altar of St George in Spišská Sobota. In: Wokół Wita Stwosza. Krakow 2006, pp. 295-303.
Gerát, I.: Svätice a ich nebeský ženích. Obrazové dokumenty unio mystica v strednej Európe.(The Saints and their Heavenly Spouse. Pictorial documents of unio mystica in Central Europe) In: Umenie na Slovensku v historických a kultúrnych súvislostiach 2005. Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie, konanej v Trnave v dňoch 26. a 27. októbra 2005. Trnava 2006, pp. 25-30.
Gerát, I.: Dulcissimus cantus beate Elyzabet – košický obraz v kontextoch kultúry neskorého stredoveku (Dulcissimus cantus beate Elyzabet – the image from Košice in the contexts of late mediaeval culture). In: Životy a diela. Zborník z kolokvia, venovaného 75. narodeninám pedagógov a členov katedry dejín umenia a kultúry, ktoré sa konalo v Trnave 12. mája 2005, Trnava 2006, pp. 41-44.
Gerát, I.: Columna militiae Christianae – k historickým funkciám ladislavských cyklov v 14. storočí.(On some historical functions of pictorial cycles with Saint Ladislaus) In: Galéria – Ročenka SNG 2004 – 2005, Bratislava, 2006, pp. 81-95.
Gerát, I. Die künstlerischen Beziehungen zwischen Wien und Preßburg im Spiegel der Buch- und Tafelmalerei. In: Sigismundus Rex et Imperator. Kunst und Kultur zur Zeit Sigismund von Luxemburg 1387 – 1437. Ausstellungskatalog, Hrsg. von Takács, Imre, Budapest – Luxemburg 2006, pp. 539-543.
Gerát, I. Sigismund of Luxembourg and the pictorial cult of Saint Elizabeth in Košice (Kassa, Kaschau). In: Sigismund von Luxemburg. Ein Kaiser in Europa. Tagungsband des internationalen historischen und kunsthistorischen Kongresses in Luxemburg, 8. – 10. Juni 2005, Hrsg. von Pauly, Michel und Reinert, François. Mainz 2006, pp. 331-336.
Gerát, I.: Paralely, analógie a kontrasty: poznámky k tematike a funkciám obrazových legiend sv. Václava a sv. Ladislava v 14. storočí.(Parallels, Analogies and Contrasts: Remarks on the Themes and Functions of Pictorial Legends of Saint Venceslas and Saint Ladislas in 14th Century) In: Průzkumy památek 13 (2006), supplement, pp. 58-63.
Gerát, I.: Der Elisabethzyklus am Hochaltarretabel zu Kaschau - Gegenstand der Deutungen. In: Acta Historiae Artium, Tomus 45, 2004, pp. 243-255.
Gerát, I.: Zápasy s anjelmi - obrazová hagiografia ako historická pamäť (Fighting with an angel – iconological remarks in the margin of pictorial traditions) In: ARS, 38, N. 2 (2005), pp. 45-57
Gerát, I.: Tschechoslowakische Staatssymbolik und slowakische Nationalmythen im Werk von Ľudovít Fulla (1902 - 1980). In: Bartetzky, A. – Dmitrieva, M. – Troebst, S. (eds.): Neue Staaten - neue Bilder? : Visuelle Kultur im Dienst staatlicher Selbstdarstellung in Zentral- und Osteuropa seit 1918. Köln - Weimar - Wien – Böhlau, 2005, pp. 75-86.
Gerát, I.: Ladislaus-Zyklen und nationale Mythen – Die Suche nach dem Archetypischen als Deutungsmethode in der ungarischen und tschechoslowakischen Forschung. In: Born, Robert – Janatková, Alena – Labuda, Adam: Die Kunsthistoriographien in Ostmitteleuropa und der nationale Diskurs. Berlin 2004, pp. 180-191.
Gerát, I.: O porovnávaní neskorogotickej maľby (On Comparing Late Gothic Paintings) In: Oriško, Štefan (ed.): Pocta Vladimírovi Wagnerovi. Bratislava 2004, pp. 79-94.
Gerát, Ivan: Hagiografické cykly na spišských oltároch (Hagiographical Cycles on the Altars of Spiš Region) In: Gładkiewicz, Ryszard – Homza, Martin (ed.): Terra Scepusiensis. Stav bádania o dejinách Spiša. Levoča-Wrocław 2003, pp. 211-220.
Gerát, I.: Naratívne nástenné cykly vo vidieckom prostredí (Narrative Murals in Rural Surroundings) In: Dušan Buran (ed.): Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia – Gotika. Bratislava 2003, pp. 148-159.
Gerát, I.: Antimodernistický tradicionalizmus – aktuálna téma? (Anti-modern Traditionalism – a topical subject?) In: PROFIL súčasného umenia 10 (2003), N. 1, pp. 126-131.
Gerát, I.: Ikonografická tradícia a význam obrazu – alžbetínsky cyklus na hlavnom oltári košického dómu. (Iconographic Tradition and Meaning of Images – Elisabeth´s cycle at the main altar of the cathedral in Košice) In: ARS 1-3/2002, pp. 49-96.
Gerát, I.: Konvencie obrazovej hagiografie. Kľúčové scény hagiografických obrazových cylov: otázka stereotypov. (Conventions of Pictorial Hagiography. Key Scenes of Pictorial Hagiography: the issue of stereotypes ) In: Bakoš, J. a kol.: Problémy dejín výtvarného umenia Slovenska. Bratislava 2002. pp. 79-119.
Gerát, I.: Das Epitaph des jagiellonischen Diplomaten in Preßburg. In: Suckale, Robert-Popp, Dietmar (eds.): Die Jagiellonen. Kunst und Kultur einer europäischen Dynastie an der Wende zur Neuzeit. Nürnberg 2002, pp. 159-165.
Gerát, I.: Dei Saturitas. St. Elizabeth´s Works of Mercy in the Medieval Pictorial Narrative. In: Insights and Interpretations. Studies in Celebration of the Eighty Fifth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art. Princeton 2002, pp. 168-181.
Gerát, I.: Skalická madona - kontexty interpretácie. (Madonna from Skalica – the contexts of interpretation) In: Galéria - ročenka SNG 2002, pp. 43-55.
Gerát, I.: Život svätej Margity v stredovekej maľbe na Slovensku.(Vita of Saint Margret in the Medieval Painting of Slovakia) In: Pamiatky a múzeá 2002, Nr. 3, pp. 43-47.
Gerát, I.: Látomások képei a kassai Szent Erzsébet főoltáron. (Pictures of Visions on the Main Altar of Saint Elisabeth in Košice) In: Művészettörténeti értesítő 51 (2002), pp. 17-27.
Gerát, I.: Poznámky k svetlej komore (Remarks on Camera lucida). In: PROFIL súčasného umenia 9/2002, Nr. 1, pp. 60-75.
Gerát, I.: Obraz svätej Alžbety medzi večnosťou a historickým časom. (Image of Saint Elizabeth between Eternity and Historical Time). In: Vývinové súvislosti výtvarnej kultúry na Slovensku. Trnava 2002, pp. 98-101.
Gerát, I.: Mestská kultúra ako činiteľ transformácie dynastickej obrazovej hagiografie v severnom Uhorsku 15. storočia/Urban Culture as a Factor of Change in Dynastic Pictorial Hagiography in 15th Century Northern Hungary In: Podzim středověku. Vyhraňování geografických teritorií, městská kultura a procesy vzniku lokálních uměleckých škol ve střední Evropě 15. století. Brno 2001, pp.125-133.
Gerát, I.: Tézy k otázke funkcií obrazových cyklov zo života tzv. dynastických svätcov na území neskorostredovekého Slovenska. (Theses to the Question of the Functions of Images from the Life of Dynastical Saints in the Late Medieval Slovakia) In: Studia Archaelogica Slovaca Medievalia III-IV, Bratislava 2000-2001, pp. 317-325.
Gerát, I.: K otázke vývinových súvislostí rozprávačských cyklov v tabuľovej maľbe Slovenska. (To the Problem of Genetical Relations of the Narrative Cycles in the Panel Painting in Slovakia) In: Kolokvium UHSS Život a dielo Vladimíra Wagnera na Slovensku. Bratislava, 2001. pp. 65-73
Gerát, I.: Paupertas sanctificata. K ohlasom biblického poňatia chudoby v neskorostredovekej ikonografii (On an Influence of Biblical Understanding of Poverty in the Late Medieval Iconography) In: Práce a štúdie Žilinskej univerzity 3., Tretia medzinárodná biblická konferencia. Žilina 2000, pp. 180-187.
Gerát, I.: Das Heiligenbild zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit. In: Philosophische Konzeptionen in der Musik und Kunst. Zborník materiálov z konferencie konanej 5. - 8. mája 1999 v
Banskej Bystrici. Bratislava 1999, pp. 27-34.
Gerát, I.: Zmysel a funkcia umeleckého diela v neskorom stredoveku - príklad reliéfov severného portálu košického dómu. (Sense and Function of Artwork in Late Middle Ages - Example of the North Portal of Košice/Kassa/Kaschau Cathedral) In: Umenie Slovenska - jeho historické funkcie. Zborník príspevkov z konferencie ÚDU SAV, Bratislava 1999, pp. 45-52
Gerát, I.: Niekoľko metodických poznámok k výskumu stredovekého obrazového rozprávania (Some Remarks Concerning the Methodological Problems of Investigation of Medieval Pictorial Narrative). In: Romboid XXXIV(1999), pp. 44-53.
Gerát, I.: Malá poznámka k veľkej téme: Menclova konštrukcia večnosti a severný portál košického dómu. (A Little Remark on a Great Topic: Mencls construction of Eternity and the Northern Porch of St. Elisabeth´s Church in Košice) In: Kolokvium UHSS Život a dielo Václava Mencla na Slovensku. Bratislava, 1999, pp. 49-55
Gerát, I.: Willehalm und Ladislaus - Liebe und Kampf in Text und Bild. In: ARS 1-3/1998, pp. 49-94.
Gerát, I.: Corpora sancti Wenceslaii. Die Körper des Heiligen als ein Beispiel für Beziehungen zwischen Tradition und Inovation in der künstlerischen Ausgestaltung der Prager Burg um 1500. In: Berichte und Beiträge des Geisteswissensschaftlichen Zentrums Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig, 1998. pp. 118-138
Gerát, I.: Naratívny cyklus zo života sv. Ladislava v ikonografickom programe gemerských kostolov (The Narrative Cycle from the Life of Saint Ladislaus in the Iconographical Programmes of the Churches in Gemer) In: ARS 1-3/1996, pp. 11-56.
Gerát, I.: Der Traum vom heiligen Land in mittelalterlichen Darstellungen der Ladislauslegende. in: Zemia Swieta v rzeczywistosci i legendzie sredniowiecza. Poznań, 1996. pp. 61-64.
Gerát, I.: Sedlmayrs Kunstbegriff. In: ARS 2/94, pp. 113-134
Gerát, I.: Kunst und Weltanschauung bei Alois Riegl. In: Československý štrukturalizmus a viedenský scientizmus. Bratislava, 1992. pp. 185-193
Gerát, I.: Dvořákovo skúmanie vzťahu slova a obrazu v stredoveku (Dvořaks Forschung der Wort-Bild Beziehungen im Mittelalter) In: ARS 2/1992 pp. 89-99.
Gerát, I.: K tragickému v gréckej kultúre (On the Tragic in Greek Culture). In: Výtvarný život 5/35 (1990), pp. 49-53.
Gerát, I.: Dvořák a Kokoschka. (Dvořak and Kokoschka) In: Výtvarný život 9/35 (1990), pp. 38-40.

- Research languages: - English, German, Slovak, Czech (fluent oral and written communication); French, Italian, Russian, Polish (reading and basic communication); Hungarian (fluent communication and reading); Latin (reading)