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Curriculum vitae

PhDr. Marta Herucová, Ph.D.

Born in 1956 in Bratislava, Slovak Republic; FIELDS OF RESEARCH: fine art of the 19th century – painting and sculpture; I. EDUCATION 2010 Philosophic Faculty of Palacky University, Olomouc, thesis: Gravestones and Tombs of the 19th Century in Slovakia, Art History (Ph.D.); 1987 Philosophic Faculty of Comenius University, Bratislava, Art History (PhDr.); 1977–1981 Philosophic Faculty of Comenius University, Bratislava, graduation theses: Vývin názorov na surrealizmus/Development of the Views on Surrealism, Art History (grad. hist.); II. OCCUPATIONS since 1984 research fellow of Institute of Art History of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, www.dejum.sav.sk; since 2006 co-operator of Slovak National Museum – Spiš Museum in Levoča; 1983–1988 co-operator of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava; III. PROJECTS 2012-2016 GACR P406/12/0347 The Discursivity of the Literature of XIXth Century in the Czech-Slovak Context, 2012-2015 VEGA 2/0058/12 The 19th Century Altars in Spiš Region, 2008-2010 VEGA 1/0316/08 Europe and Us - Us and Europe : Inclusions of the European in the 19th Century Art of Slovakia, 2005–2007 VEGA 1/2247/05 Personalities and Contexts of 19th Century Fine Art, 1998-2000 VEGA 2/5115/98 Slovak Art Nouveau Applied Art, 1995-1997 VEGA Fine Art in Slovakia around 1900, 1996 VEGA Sepulchral Art of 19th and Early 20th Century in Slovakia; IV. MEMBERSHIPS since 2010 member of ICOM, 2002-2008 member of the Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art (AHNCA), USA, 1998–2005 secretary of Slovak Art Historians Association; V. PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 2010 - Bratislava, Goethe Institute Bratislava and Institute of Art History of SAS “Munich Academy and Slovakia”, paper: Works of Munich Academy Professors and Their Students in Slovakia, 2009 - Banská Štiavnica, Faculty of Architecture STU and Department of History and Theory of Architecture and Monument Restoration “Cemeteries in the Context of Historical Heritage”, paper: Sepulchral Motives in 19th Century, 2008 – Budapest, CIHA Committee International d'Histoire de l'Art “How to Write Art History”, paper: Case Studies of the 19th Century Fine Art, 2007 – Cracow, Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Instytut historii sztuki, international conference “European History Painting of the 19th Century”, paper: Die Divergenz der slowakischen Historienmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts/Divergence of Slovak Historical Painting in 19th Century, 2001 – Strasbourg, European Parliament, international colloquium “Memoire sculptee de l'Europe et de ses aires d'influence”, paper: Gone With and Against the Wind… (Examples of Grave Monuments of the 19th Century in Slovakia), 1998 – Bratislava, Institute for World Literature of Slovak Academy of Sciences, international colloquium “European and Slovak Symbolism – Contexts and Connections”, paper: Winged Beings in the Grave Monuments, 1996 – Cracow, Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, international conference „Death – Space – Time – Identity in Central Europe Around 1900“, paper: Gravestones from the Slovak Collection of the Cemeteries in Carpathian Hollow, 1993 – Passau, international conference “Böhmisches Glas – Phänomen der mitteleuropäischen Kultur des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts”, paper: Bohemian Art Nouveau Glass in Slovakia? Something about the Relationship between Czech and Slovak Glass; VI.TEACHING EXPERIENCES Department of General History, Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University, Bratislava (since 2012), Department of Slovak History, Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University, Bratislava (1993); Department of Art history, Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University, Bratislava (1994, 2006, 2007); Department of Art and Culture history, Trnava University, Trnava (1994, 1999); Theological seminary, Catholic University Košice/Spišská Kapitula (2006); VII. STIPENDIUM 1995 - Austrian Institute for East and Southeast Europe, Vienna 1994 – Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen/Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) – visiting fellow; VIII. PRIZES 2009 - Prize of Slovak National Museum-Spiš Museum in Levoča “Benefactor Musaei Scepusiensis“ for cooperation in science and research, 2007 - Prize of the journal Pamiatky a múzea for the book and exhibition “Bratislava Art Society”; IX.SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY HERUCOVÁ, M.: Krajinky Jána Jakuba Müllera v európskych paralelách/Landscapes of John James Müller in European Parallels. In Novotná, M. (ed.): Acta Musaei Scepusiensis. Levoča: SNM-Spišské múzeum, 2012, pp. 32 - 51; HERUCOVÁ, M.: O zobrazeniach Franza Liszta/About Portrayals of Franz Liszt. In Urdová, S. (ed.): Hudobné pramene – kultúrne dedičstvo Slovenska. CD-ROM, Bratislava: Slovenská muzikologická asociácia a SNM-Hudobné múzeum, 2011, pp. 219 – 227; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Súsošie sv. Juraja a iné diela od Antona Dominika Fernkorna (1813 – 1878)/St. George Sculpture and Other Works of Anthony Dominic Fernkorn (1813 - 1878). In Kiss-Szemán, Zs. (ed.): Zborník príspevkov z vedeckého sympózia k 50. výročiu založenia GMB. Bratislava: Galéria mesta Bratislavy, 2011, pp. 38 – 53; HERUCOVÁ, M. – NOVOTNÁ, M.: Bohyne a svätice v umení 19. storočia na Slovenku/Goddesses and Saintesses in 19th Century Art in Slovakia. Bratislava: SNM, 2011, 229 p.; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Amor a Psyché - dva obrazy z Hlohovca/Amor and Psyche - Two Paintings from Hlohovec. In Pamiatky a múzeá, 2011, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 42 – 45; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Zobrazenia Sisi na Slovensku : k otázke remaku/Portrayals of Sisi in Slovakia : To the Question of Remake. In Koklesová, B. (ed.): V hľadaní prameňov. Bratislava: Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, 2010, pp. 86 – 110; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Diela profesorov Mníchovskej akadémie a ich študentov na Slovensku/Works of Munich Academy Professors and Their Students in Slovakia. In Beňová, K. – Bořutová, D. (eds.): Mníchovská akadémia a Slovensko. Bratislava: Stimul, 2010, pp. 69 – 84; BEKUS, N. – HERUCOVÁ, M. – JAGODZIŃSKA, K. – MARTON, E. – RIABCZUK, M. – RIMICKAITĖ, R. – SCHULZ, T. – TOMÁŠEK, P.: Symbole i kalki/Symbols and Clichés. In Herito, 2010, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 65 – 67; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Legendárne milostné príbehy v maľbe 19. storočia/Legendary Love Stories in 19th Century Painting. In Novotná, M. (ed.): Acta Musaei Scepusiensis, Levoča: SNM-Spišské múzeum, 2008, pp. 93 – 152; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Obdobie vrcholnej gotiky na obrazoch 19. storočia/Late Gothic Period in the 19th Century Pictures. In Timková, M. – Gojdič, I. (eds.): Umenie na Slovensku v historických a kultúrnych súvislostiach. Turčianske Teplice: Vydavateľstvo BEN, 2008, pp. 55 – 63; HERUCOVÁ, M. – NOVOTNÁ, M.: Mytologické a kresťanské príbehy v umení 19. storočia zo zbierok Slovenského národneho múzea/Mythological and Christian Tales in the Art of the 19th Century. Bratislava: Slovenské národné múzeum, 2008. 208 p.; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Die Divergenz der slowakischen Historienmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts/Divergence of Slovak Historical Painting in 19th Century. In Ocheduszko, R. - Balus, W. (ed.): European History Painting of the 19th Century : Mutual Connections – Common Themes – Differences. Cracow: Jagiellonian University, 2008, pp. 95 – 109; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Case Studies in the 19th Century History of Art. In Acta Historiae Artium, 2008, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 351 – 359; HERUCOVÁ, M. – NOVOTNÁ, M.: Rodové portréty Csákyovcov z 19. storočia (a pokus o novú identifikáciu portrétu grófky Marianny von Norman-Ehrenfels, rod. Freiin von Prandau – matky grófky Anny, vyd. Csáky/The Ancestral Portraits of Csaky's in 19th Century (and an Attempt at a New Interpretation of the Portrait of Earl Marianna von Norman-Ehrenfels, nee Freiin von Prandau. In Chalupecký, I. (ed.): Z minulosti Spiša, Levoča, 2007, Vol. 15, pp. 79 – 96; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Kréda neoklasicizmu : náhrobky okolo 1800 v slovenskom kontexte/Neo-classical Creeds : Tombstones from around 1800 in Slovak Context. In Památková péče na Moravě/Monumentorum Moraviae Tutela, Brno: Ústav Památkové péče, 2007, Vol. 13, pp. 7 – 22, 117 – 118; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Obrazy najstarších dejín : do obdobia okolo roku 1000 (do vzniku Uhorského kráľovstva)/Pictures about the Earliest History : Untill the Period about 1000 (Untill the Beginning of Hungarian Kingdom). In Bořutová, D. – Beňová, K. (eds.): Osobnosti a súvislosti umenia 19. storočia na Slovensku. Bratislava: Stimul, 2007, pp. 299 – 362; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Stunder a jeho portrét grófa Hadika : Nová interpretácia/Stunder and his Portrait of Earl Hadik : a New Interpretation. In Novotná, M. (ed.): Acta musaei scepusiensis 7, Levoča: SNM-Spišské múzeum, 2007, pp. 179 – 192; BAKOŠOVÁ, J. – HERUCOVÁ, M. – JANOVÍČKOVÁ, M.: Slovenské secesné užitkové umenie/Slovak Art Nouveau Applied Art. In Ročenka SNG – Galéria 2006, Bratislava: SNG, 2007, pp. 29 – 60; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Moháčska tragédia na obrazoch 19. storočia/Tragedy of Mohács in the 19th Century Images. In Gojdič, I. – Rakovanová, L. (eds.): Umenie na Slovensku v historických a kultúrnych súvislostiach. Trnava: Trnavská univerzita, 2007, pp. 39 – 54; FRANCOVÁ, Z. – GRAJCIAROVÁ, Ž. – HERUCOVÁ, M.: Bratislavský umelecký spolok 1885 – 1945/Bratislava Art Society 1885 – 1945. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo PT Marenčin, 2006, 207 p.; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Stopy zo zašlých čias : O našich maliaroch historických námetov z okruhu viedenskej akadémie 19. storočia/Traces of Bygone Times : About Our Painters of Historical Themes Round the Vienna Academy in 19th Century. In OS : Fórum občianskej spoločnosti, 2006, Vol. 10, No. 1 – 2, pp. 64 – 75; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Romantická hrobka Szumrákovcov v Banskej Bystrici/Family Szumrák Romantic Tomb in Banská Bystrica. In Nagy, I. – Graus, I. (eds.): Minulosť a prítomnosť Banskej Bystrice I. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, 2006, pp. 183 – 205; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Niekoľko aspektov náhrobku pápeža Silvestra II./Some Aspects of Pope Sylvester II Tomb. In Oriško, Š. (ed.): Súvislosti slovenského umenia. Bratislava: FFUK 2006, pp. 152 – 165; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Exkurz do historickej maľby XIX. storočia/An Excurcus in the XIXth Century Historical Painting. In Ars, 2005, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 181 – 201; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Náhrobok Pavla Zerdahelyiho v Nitrianskej Blatnici/Paul Zerdahely's Tomb in Nitrianska Blatnica. In Pamiatky a múzea, 2005, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 61 – 64; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Jozef Damko ako tvorca náhrobkov/Joseph Damko as a Tombstone Maker. In Pamiatky a múzea, 2004, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 53 – 59; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Hrobka Forgáchovcov v Haliči/The Forgách Tomb in Halič. In Pamiatky a múzea, 2004, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 20 – 27; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Náhrobky evanjelického cintorína v Levoči/The Tombs in the Protestant Cemetery in Levoča. In Novotná, M. (ed.): Pohľady do minulosti. Levoča: SNM-Spišské múzeum, 2003, pp. 1 –17; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Nagrobky na słowackich cmentarzach w Kotlinie Karpackiej/The Tombs in Slovak Cemeteries of Carpathian Hollows. In Grodziska, K. – Purchla, J. (eds.): Śmierć - Przestrzeń - Czas - Tożsamość. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, 2002, pp. 285 – 302, 350 – 351; BAKOŠOVÁ, J. – HERUCOVÁ, M.: Sandrik, Dolné Hámre/[Silver Factory] Sandrik, Dolné Hámre. In Malečková, K. (ed.): Historizmus v umeleckom remesle. Bojnice: SNM-Múzeum Bojnice, 2002, pp. 59 – 78; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Okrídlené bytosti na náhrobkoch/Winged Beings in the Grave Monuments. In Maliti, E. (ed.): Symbolizmus v kontextoch a súvislostiach/Symbolism in Contexts and Relationships. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 1999, pp. 367 – 378; HERUCOVÁ, M.: K ikonografii náhrobku fin-de-siècle na Slovensku/To the Iconography of the fin de siècle Tombs in Slovakia. In Ars, 1997, No. 1 – 3, pp. 65 – 142; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Náhrobky Viktora Oskara Tilgnera a ich význam v sepulkrálnom umení/The Viktor Oskar Tilgner's Tombs and Their Meaning in the Sepulchral Art. In Ars, 1995, No. 1, pp. 67 – 81; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Böhmisches Jugendstil-Glas in der Slowakei?/Czech Art Nouveau Glas in Slovakia? In Mergl, J. (ed.): Böhmisches Glas – Phänomen der mitteleuropaischen Kultur des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts/Czech Glass - Phenomenon of Central European Culture of 19th and Early 20th Century. Passau: Schriften des Passauer Glasmuseum, 1995, No. 1, pp. 31 – 37; HERUCOVÁ, M.: Svetové výstavy v 19. storočí/World Exhibitions in 19th Century. In Výtvarny život, 1987, Vol. 32, No. 9 – 10, pp. 85 – 89.