Ing. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD.
Senior Researcher

Šancová 56
811 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Veronika Hvozdíková is a senior researcher at the Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where she has worked since 2002. She is currently a member of the Department of Macroeconomics.
In recent years, she has been primarily involved in research on the labour market in Slovakia, mainly on topics such as employment and structural changes in the economy, population ageing and labour migration, sectoral employment, employment of disadvantaged groups. Since 2010, she has co-authored an annual overview publication on economic development in Slovakia, in which she covers the area of employment and wages. Similarly, since 2008, she has contributed annually to a series of publications on developments in the world economy, in which she has focused on macroeconomic developments in the Russian Federation.
She has collaborated on several expert studies for government institutions, the private sector and European bodies. In the field of international cooperation, she has experience of participation in international research projects especially in the European Framework Programmes, COST, Visegrad Fund and Norwegian grants. Her research focus in international projects has ranged from the topic of population ageing to policies for vulnerable groups or specific aspects of the labour market. In the case of domestic grants, she has been involved in eleven VEGA and five APVV projects.
In terms of experience in the field of administration and management of science, she is or has been a member of several bodies in her home institute - IER SAS (Scientific Council, Institute Board, Management Board, Editorial Board) and is also actively involved in academic processes in her parent organization, the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
In recent years, she has been primarily involved in research on the labour market in Slovakia, mainly on topics such as employment and structural changes in the economy, population ageing and labour migration, sectoral employment, employment of disadvantaged groups. Since 2010, she has co-authored an annual overview publication on economic development in Slovakia, in which she covers the area of employment and wages. Similarly, since 2008, she has contributed annually to a series of publications on developments in the world economy, in which she has focused on macroeconomic developments in the Russian Federation.
She has collaborated on several expert studies for government institutions, the private sector and European bodies. In the field of international cooperation, she has experience of participation in international research projects especially in the European Framework Programmes, COST, Visegrad Fund and Norwegian grants. Her research focus in international projects has ranged from the topic of population ageing to policies for vulnerable groups or specific aspects of the labour market. In the case of domestic grants, she has been involved in eleven VEGA and five APVV projects.
In terms of experience in the field of administration and management of science, she is or has been a member of several bodies in her home institute - IER SAS (Scientific Council, Institute Board, Management Board, Editorial Board) and is also actively involved in academic processes in her parent organization, the Slovak Academy of Sciences.