Curriculum vitae
Mgr. Michal Kentoš, PhD.
E-mail: kentos@saske.skDepartment: Department of Social Psychology
Academic qualification:
• PhD., 2004, Institute of Social Sciences Košice, psychology
• Mgr., 2000, Faculty of Arts, University of Presov, psychology
Areas of scientific interest:
• Security and safety
• Organizational Behavior
• Social surveys
Teaching and cooperation with universities (involving only Institute of Social Sciences):
PhD studying programme – Current Work Psychology
Principal investigator:
• 2012 – 2014 project funded by Slovak Scientific Grant Agency 2/0173/12 „Social and personal aspects of safety perception“
• 2006 –2008 project funded by Slovak Scientific Grant Agency 2/6190/26 „“Value orientations of selected groups withing Slovak population in the context of Europe integration - comparative analysis ”, funded by Slovak Scientific Grant Agency
Investigator of international projects:
• Since 2004 member of National coordinating team for European Social Survey
Investigator of domestic projects:
• 2010 – 2011 member of the research team for VEGA 1/0831/10 „Social intelligence and perception of the teacher in the social context of school“
• 2009 – 2011 member of the research team for VEGA „Working women in work and family settings“
• 2007 – 2010 member of the research team for Centre for research of cognition
• 2005 – 2007 the research team for EQUAL - RPNKN – Development program for low-skilled unemployed, increasing the likelihood of their success in the labor market
• 2005 – 2006 the research team for ESF Research of specifics of the working situation of persons with family issues in the Kosice region
• 2002 – 2006 member of the research team for Centre for research of intelligence and creativity (CEVIT) – III/2/2003
Kentoš, M. (2013). Media consumption and safety perceptions in Europe. Individual and Society, Vol. 16, No. 1.
Kentoš, M. (2012). Safety perception. In Výrost, J. a kol. Európska sociálna sonda (ESS) 5. kolo na Slovensku. - Prešov : Universum, 2012, 161-179. ISBN 978-80-89046-75-1.
Kentoš, M. (2012). Value orientations. In Výrost, J. a kol. Európska sociálna sonda (ESS) 5. kolo na Slovensku. - Prešov : Universum, 2012, 181-201. ISBN 978-80-89046-75-1.
Kentoš, M. (2011). Social environment of the organization. In Kollárik, T., Letovancová, E., Výrost, J. (Eds.) Psychológia práce a organizácie. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2011, 122-134. ISBN 978-80-223-3078-7
Výrost, V., Fedáková, D., Kentoš, M. (2010). Confirmation bias effects in the welfare beliefs of the residents of european countries. Studia psychologica, 52, 4, 327 – 332.
Výrost, J., Kentoš, M., Fedáková, D. (2007). Value orientations as factors of social trust, political participation and life satisfaction. Studia psychologica, 49, 4, 283 – 294.
Frankovský, M., Kentoš, M. (2008). Social conflicts. In Výrost, J., Slaměník, I. (Eds.) Sociální psychologie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 303-318, ISBN 978-80-247-1428-8.
Makovská, Z., Kentoš, M. (2006). Correlates of social and abstract intelligence. Studia Psychologica vol. 48, 3, 259-264.
Membership in scientific organisations:
• member of European Survey Research Association
Other (scientific and organizational activities, membership in editorial boards, awards):
• member of Working Group for social sciences and Humanities, Ministry of Education,
• member of Slovak Scientific Grant Agency 2008 – 2012,
• member of ESS ERIC General Assembly.