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Curriculum vitae

Prof. PaedDr. Štefan Šutaj, DrSc.

E-mail: sutaj@saske.sk
Department: History – Head of Deartment
Academic qualification:
1977, Mgr. Faculty of Education, University of Prešov, P.J.Safarik University in Košice
1984, PaedDr. Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov, P.J.Safarik University in Košice
1985, CSc. Czechoslovak history, Historical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
2002, Doc. History, Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov
2004, DrSc. Slovak history, Historical Institute of SAS (Slovak Academy of Sciences), Bratislava
2005, Prof. Slovak history, University of Matej Bel, Banská Bystrica

Areas of scientific interest:
• Slovak history after year 1918
• Status of ethnic minorities, with a special focus on the Hungarian minority
• History of Košice

Teaching and cooperation with universities (involving only Institute of Social Sciences):
P.J. Safarik University Kosice

International internships and visits:
Research stays in the archives in Paris, Budapest and Prague

Principal investigator:

The national program of research and development: Nation, nationalities and ethnic groups in transforming society - coordinator Š. Šutaj (04/2003 - 03/2006) Institute of Social Sciences of SAS

APVT no. 21-015202 E. Benes Decrees and their application in Slovakia, Principal Investigator, 02 / 2002-01 / 2005 - Institute of Social Sciences of SAS

VEGA-51-047505 Hungarian minority in Slovakia in the process of transformation of society after 1989. (Project leader prof. Mgr. Š. Šutaj, PhD., 4/2006 - 3/2009.) - HLG SAS

Grant VEGA MŠVVaŠ Nr. 1/0101/12 Places of memory Košice I. (historical breakthroughs and institutions). (1/2012 - 12/2014), in 2014 the project manager

Investigator of international projects:
APVV- MVTS SR- ČR National Minorities in Czechoslovakia after 1945 (the legal and historical context), principal investigator prof. Mgr. Štefan Šutaj, MD - 01 / 2012-12 / 2013, the cooperating institution Faculty of Charles University, Prague

Investigator of domestic projects:
Slovak history in Europe's history. Centre of Excellence SAV. Coordination center: Historical Institute of SAS, duration of solution, 2011-2014. investigator

ŠUTAJ, Štefan. Magyarok csehszlovákiaban 1945 – 1948 között – kisebbségkutatás. Budapest : Lucidus Kiadó, 2008, 292 s.

ŠUTAJ Štefan. Maďarská menšina na Slovensku v 20.storočí. Bratislava : Kalligram, 2012, 398 strán.

ŠUTAJ Štefan et al. Key Issues of Slovak and Hungarian History (A View of Slovak Historians). Prešov : Universum, 2011, 258s.

ŠUTAJ, Štefan. Magyar minority in Slovakia before and after the Second world war. In Slovakia in History. Edited by Mikuláš Teich, Dušan Kováč and Martin D. Brown. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010, p. 269-284.

ŠUTAJ Štefan. Rokovania medzi Československom a Maďarskom o výmene obyvatelstva v období od ukončenia mierovej konferencie v Paríži do podpisu mierovej zmluvy. In.Petruf Pavol a kol. Slovensko a Československo v XX. storočí : vybrané kapitoly z dejín vnútornej i zahraničnej politiky. Bratislava : Historický ústav SAV vo vydavateľstve Typoset print, 2010. s. 203-225.

ŠUTAJ Štefan: Postavenie maďarskej menšiny na Slovensku a jej identita po roku 1918. In: Kiliánová Gabriela – Kowalská Eva – Krekovičová Eva (Eds.) My a tí druhí v modernej spoločnosti. Bratislava: Veda, 2009, 416-439.
Popély Árpád – Štefan Šutaj – Szarka László: Beneš dekrétumok és a magyar kerdés 1945 – 1948. Budapešť: Attraktor, 2007.

Membership in scientific organisations:
Member of the Slovakia-Hungarian commission of historians;
Member of the Slovak National Committee historians since 2011
Member of the Committee of Slovak Historical Society from 2011

Other (scientific and organizational activities, membership in editorial boards, awards):
Editor in Chief of journal Človek a spoločnosť (Individual and Society)
Member of the editorial board of the journal Mesto a dejiny
Member of the editorial board of História - Internet journal of the Institute of History, University of Prešov
Member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal Central European Papers issued by the Faculty of Public Policies Silesian University and the University of Janos Kodolányiho in Székesfeférvári
Member of the Commission for the award of PhD. - Historical Science Accreditation Commission members III. Department of SAS
Member of the Scientific Council of Institute of Social Sciences; Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ; Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, Silesian University in Opava; School of Public Policy Sciences, Silesian University in Opava