Curriculum vitae
PhDr. Magdalena Piscová, CSc.
Curriculum vitae
Name and surname
Magdalena Piscová, PhDr., CSc.
Contact address Institute for Sociology , Slovak Academy of sciences,
Klemensova 19, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Phone 00421 908 785 303
00421 2 52964355
Nationality Slovak
Date of birth 28. 03. 1949
Gender Female
Undergraduate: Department of Sociology, Comenius University Bratislava
1982 Graduate: Department of Sociology, Comenius University Bratislava, 1982( PhDr. –equivalent to M.A.)
1984-1987 Postgraduate: Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (CSc. equivalent to PhD)
Level in international classification ISCED 6
Professional career and position
1972 -1979 Czechoslovak Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs – researcher
1980-1987 Institute for Sociology Slovak Academy of Science, postgraduate student, junior research
1987-1992 Institute for Sociology Slovak Academy of Sciences , research fellow
1992 Institute for Sociology Slovak Academy of Sciences , senior research fellow and deputy director
2006-2011 director of the Institute for Sociology of Slovak Academy of Sciences
2013 - Deputy director of the Institute for Sociology SAS
Senior research fellow
Research grants and projects
(as principal investigator)
1994 Family in Slovakia in Figures and Commentaries, supported by National UNESCO Committee MOST, 1994
1995-1996 National Identity, sponsored by Ministry for Education of Slovak Republic,
1996-1997 A Study on Women Leaders Attitudes Towards the Ongoing Transition Changes, sponsored by the Research Support Scheme, Open Society Foundation
1997-1998 Reflection of Social Change by Contemporary Female and Male Elite, VEGA Project
1998-1999 Social inclusion and crime in contemporary society, Grant project of CHUO University, Tokyo
1999-2001 Changes in the Population in Slovakia (Sociological Dimension of Demographical Processes) VEGA Project
2002-2004 Systems and Cultural Determinants and Limits of Family Transformation and Gender Attitudes, VEGA Project
2005-2007 Contemporary Family in the Frame of societal and Individual Transformation, VEGA Project
2008-2010 The Life Cycle Phases Within Changing Family and Consumer´s Strategies, VEGA Project
2011-2014 HELPS - Housing and Home-care for the Elderly and vulnerable people and Local Partnership Strategies in Central European countries, European Regional Development Fund, Central Europe Programme Project (principal investigator for Slovak Republic)
1991-1993 Family life in Slovakia, VEGA Project
1995 Social Sector Monitoring Data for Slovakia 1995, the part: Social care and the part: Principal characteristics of Economic Situation of Households, USAID grant
1996 Social Sector Monitoring Data for Slovakia 1996, the part: Social care and the part: Principal characteristics of Economic Situation of Households, USAID grant
1997-1999 Local Democracy and New Territorial Division in Slovakia (case study), VEGA Project
2005-2006 Slovakia on the road to gender equality, European social fund project, Initiative EQUAL
2008-2010 Slovakia in key international surveys: twenty years of society transformation APVV project
2016-2018 Slovak society in international comparative surveys: before the crisis and during crises, APVV grant
Gender Policies and EU Integration: Experience of V 4 for Eap Countries, International Visegrad Fund Project No. 31550123
Borderless care? Care workers from Slovakia in Austria (VEGA project)
Other scientific and expert´s activities The member of „Helsinki group on Gender in Research and Innovations “by the European Commission – RTD B7- Gender Sector (national representative 1999-2016)
Since 2004 the member of network of experts EGGSIE (Employment, Social Inclusion and Gender Issues),
EGGE (Employment and Gender Equality Issues2011-2015)
ENEGE (Gender Equality Issues2010-2013)
SAAGE (Scientific analysis and advice on gender equality in the EU 2016-2018)
Evaluation experiences:
The member of the Evaluation process of the Czech Academy of Sciences (2015)
The reviewer of bilateral projects for Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV) 2013
The member of the Evaluation board for social sciences of VEGA Grant Agency - 2006-2011
The member of Editorial board of journal SOCIOLOGIA (SK) – since 2008
The member of Editorial board of journal GENDER-ROVNÉ PŘÍLEŽITOSTI – VÝZKUM” (CZ)- 2008-2011
Evaluator of the : 6th EU Framework Programme, Priority 7- Citizens and Governance in Knowledge Based Society
Grant projects - the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Master and doctoral thesis - Department of Sociology of Comenius University Bratislava and Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University , Prague
Essays and papers – journal SOCIOLÓGIA
Language skills:
Mother tongue(s) Slovak
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C1 C1 C1 B1 B1
German B1 B1 B1 B1 A2
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Selected bibliography
Piscová,M.(Ed.)( 2014): Ageing and the Elderly: Conditions and Context. Bratislava , Sociologický ústav SAV, 2014. 131p.. ISBN 978-80-85544-86-2
Piscová,M.(Ed).-Bahna.M.-Zeman.M.:( 2012): Vek - migračné stratégie - trávenie voľného času. (Age- Migration strategies – Leisure time). Sociologický ústav SAV, 2011, 85 p. ISBN 978-80-85544-75-6.
Piscová, M. - Zeman, M.- Bahna, M. (2010): Životné prostredie : (Enviroment) ISSP Slovensko 2009-2010. Pramenná publikácia. (Source book) Bratislava : Sociologický ústav SAV : FFUK-Katedra sociológie, 2010. 138 p. ISBN 978-80-85544-64-0
Piscová, M. - Zeman, M.- Bahna, M .(2009): Voľný čas a šport : ISSP na Slovensku 2006-2008. (Leisure and sport) Pramenná publikácia.(Source book) Bratislava : Sociologický ústav Slovenská akadémia vied : Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave - Katedra sociológie, 164 p. ISBN 978-80-85544-61-9.
Piscová,M.(Ed)- Bahna, M. - Zeman, M..(2008): Podoby ženy. (Shapes of women) 121 p. Bratislava : Sociologický ústav SAV, ISBN 978-80-85544-52-7
Piscová,M (Ed) et al:(2006): Slovensko na ceste k rodovej rovnosti - Slovakia on the road to gender quality, Bratislava, ERPA-SU SAV, 212p.ISBN 80-85544-41-5
Piscová,M.(Ed.2004): Ženy vo vede alebo deravé potrubie?(Women in Science or Leaky Pipeline?). Bratislava, SÚ SAV, 68.p. ISBN 978-80-557-0376-3
Piscová, M.(Ed. 1997): Aspekty národnej identity a národná identita v strednej Európe (Aspects of National Identities a National Identity in Central Europe). Bratislava, SÚ SAV, 98p
Piscová,M.(Ed.1995): Family in Slovakia in Figures and Commentaries, Bratislava, SÚ SAV, 84p.
Chapters in books:
Piscová, M. – Klobucký, R., Zeman,M., Bahna, M. (2014): Ageing in Slovakia and in International Context. In: Ageing and the Elderly: Conditions and Context. Bratislava , Sociologický ústav SAV, p. 46-82. ISBN 978-80-85544-86-2
Piscová,M.(2012): Starnutie - vek - veková identita alebo starnutie v teoretických konceptoch a v realite. (Aging- age-age identity or ageing in theoretical concepts and reality). In Vek - migračračné stratégie - trávenie voľného času. Ed.: Magdalena Piscová. - Bratislava : Sociologický ústav SAV, 2011, s. 9-42. ISBN 978-80-85544-75-6.
PISCOVÁ, M. - BAHNA, M.(2012): Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Memory Trace in the Central European Countries. In Crossing Borders, Shifting Boundaries : national and Transnational Identities in Europe and Beyond. - Frankfurt-on-Main : Campus Verlag GmbH, 2012, p. 201 - 219. ISBN 978-3-593-39612-5
BAHNA, M. - PISCOVÁ, M. - TÍŽIK, M. (2009): Shaping of national identity in the processes of separation and integration in Central and Eastern Europe. In The International Social Survey Programme, 1984-2009 : Charting the globe. - London : Routledge, p. 242-262. ISBN 0-415-49192-4.
Piscová,M.(2008): Re-claiming a Political Voice: Women and Science in Central Europe : Project coordinator: Dóra Groó. Praha : Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of CR, 2008. 240 p. ISBN 978-80-7330-139-2
Piscová,M.(2005): The Helsinki group – Challenges and Limitations. In: Women in Science in SAS.Ed.Sedová,T.,VEDA, Bratislava 2005 p.33-51.ISBN 80-224-0861-1
Czíria,L.-Barošová,M.-Chaloupková,M.-Piscová,M.(2003): Women issues and Gender Equality in Slovakia, In: Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries. Peter Lang 2003,p.289-317
Bunčák,J.- Piscová,M.(2001): Modern National Identity of Slovaks and their Attitude Towards Europe. In: Social Science in Eastern Europe, Bonn, Social Science Information Centre, p.126-140
Piscová,M.(1997): Principal Characteristics of Economic Situation of Hoseholds,p.47-50
In: Social Sector Monitoring Data for Slovakia 96, SÚ SAV – USAID, Bratislava
Piscova,M.(1996) : Principal Characteristics of Economic Situation of Households, p.78-83, In: Social Sector Monitoring Data for Slovakia 95, SÚ SAV- USAID,Bratislava
Piscová,M.-Liptáková,D.(2006): Problém prezentácie celebrít a osobností v slovenských médiach (The presentation of celebrities in the Slovak media), In. Multimedia society at the door to the 21st century, ASCO Art α Science, Bratislava, p.149-157, ISBN 80-888-20-41-3
Piscová,M. (2003): Gender in Science – Women in Science in Slovakia. In:Sociológia – Slovak Sociological Review, 35, p.579-598 ISBN 80-8050-914-X
Piscová,M.(2003) : Helsinská skupina – výzvy a limity (Helsinki group – challenges and limits). In: Ženy a veda v SAV, VEDA, p.37 - 58
Piscová,M.(2002): Marital and parental start and demographic behaviour in Slovakia (and in Europe) at the turn of the centuries. In: Sociológia-Slovak Sociological Review , 34, p. 251-268
Piscova,M.-Bunčák,J.(2000)Modern National Identity of Slovaks and their Attitudes Towards Europe. In: Slovak Sociological Review, Spring 2000, p.289-310
Piscová,M.(2000): K priestorovej a hodnotovej identite.(Teritorial and Value Identity) In: Sociológia 32, 1, p. 103 –110
Piscová,M.(1996): A Change or Modernization in Conjugal and Reproductive Behaviour of the Population in Slovakia? In: Slovak Sociological Review 1, Spring,p.30-37
Piscová,M.-Dodder.R.(1995): Demographic Trends Impacting the Family
During the Economic and Political Transition in Slovakia 1998 – 1993. In: Mankind Quaterly,1.p.45-56
Piscová,M.-Filadelfiová,J.(1994): Rodina v súčasnej Európe. (Family in present Europe) In: Pedagogická Revue, 46,No.5-6,p.258-266
Piscová,M.(1992): Rodina v situácii sociálnej odkázanosti- Kontexty a Súvislosti (Family in the Situation of Social Dependency).In: Sociológia 24,No.6,p.515-526
Co- author (expertise):
Piscová,M., Bahna,M.(2012):The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and Men and on Gender Equality Policies : synthesis report. Eds. Francesca Bettio, Marcella Corsi, Carlo D’Ippoliti et. al. Brussels : Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, 2012. 174 p.
Piscová,M.(2010): Ethnic minority and Roma women in Europe: A case for gender equality? . Synthesis report. Expert group on gender equality, social inclusion, health and long-term care. Eds. Marcella Corsi, Chiara Crepaldi, Manuela Samek Lodovici et. al. , European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.1, 154 p. ISBN 978--92-79-12981-0
Piscová,M.(2010): Flexible working time arrangements and gender equality : a comparative review of 30 European countries. Eds. Janneke Plantenga, Chantal Remery. European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.1, 119p. ISBN 978-92-79-15545-1
Piscová,M.(2009): Gender segregation in the labour market : Root causes, implications and policy responses in the EU. Eds. Francesca Bettio, Alina Verashchagina European Commission´s Expert Group on Gender and Employment . .2009. 111 p. ISBN 978-92-79-12435-8
Piscová,M.(2009): The provision of childcare services : a comparative review of 30 European countries. Eds. Janneke Platenga, Chantal Remery European Commission´s Expert Group on Gender and Employment Issues (EGGSIE). DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.1, 84 p. ISBN 978-92-79-12007-7.
Piscová,M.(2007): Gender mainstreaming of employment policies. A comparative review of thirty European countries.Eds:Janneke Platenga, Chantal Remery, Jill Rubery. European Commission´s Expert Group on Gender and Employment Issues. DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.1, p.76, ISBN 978-92-7907462-2
Piscová,M.(2005): Reconciliation of work and private life. A comparative review of thirty European countries, Eds. Janneke Platenga, Chantal Remery, European Commission´s Expert Group on Gender and Employment Issues. DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.1, ISBN 92 79 00053-5
Piscová,M.(2005): “Making work pay” debates from a gender perspective: A comparative review of some recent policy reforms in thirty European countries, Eds. Colette Fagan, Gail Hebson, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.1, 159p.,ISBN 92 79 00054-3
Piscová,M.(2006):Gender inequalities in the risks of poverty and social exclusion for disadvantaged groups in thirty European countries, Eds. Colette Fagan, Peter Urwin, Kathryn Melling. European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.1, 190p., ISBN 92 79 02572- 4