Curriculum vitae
RNDr. Ivica Hromadová, DrSc.
Particulars of Education and Training:1987 - Leaving Examination, Secondary Grammar School, Košice, Slovak Republic
1992 - Graduated University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik (UPJŠ), Faculty of Sciences, Košice, SR; specialization: general biology. Awarded degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.), diploma work at the Institute of Parasitology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)
1992 - Admitted to postgraduate study, Institute of Parasitology, Slovak Academy of Sciences SAS), Košice
1997 - Awarded degree of Candidatus Scientarum (CSc., corresponds to degree of Ph.D.)
2000 - Awarded degree of Doctorate of Natural Sciences (RNDr.)
1996 - present - Research Worker at the Institute of Parasitology SAS, Košice
Foreign stays and fellowships:
August 1990 - student working stay at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
August 1992 - attendance at the 2nd International Summer School "Environmental Biology and Chemistry - relationships between water pollution and fish parasites" organized by the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
May 1994 - September 1994 – DAAD (Deutsches Akademisches Austauschdienst) Fellowship, part of the Ph.D. work performed at the Department of Developmental Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Ludwig Maximilian, Munich, Germany
November 1994 – working stay at the Department of Parasitology, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma, Italy
April 1995 - March 1996 – working stay at the Department of Molecular Parasitology, Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
June 1997 - May 1998 - ICP fellowship
June 1998 - May 1999 - S & T Cooperation Belgium - Central and Eastern Europe Fellowship; Postdoctoral stay at the Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology (ICP), Research Unit for Tropical Diseases (TROP), Brussels, Belgium
May 2001 – June 2001 – The Large Scale Facility Grant for stay at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK, and the Royal Society Fund for the stay at the Fisheries Research Services, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
November 2006 - working stay at the Veterinary Faculty, Department of Parasitology, Zagreb, Croatia
November 2007 - working stay at the Veterinary Faculty, Teramo, Italy
Scientific backround:
Research in cytogenetics, taxonomy, phylogeny, population biology, biogeography and biochemistry of helminths and parasitic protozoans using methods of DNA analysis.
June 2001 – Awarded by the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences as "The best young scientist" in the cathegory for the young scientists till 35 years.
10 selected publications:
ŠPAKULOVÁ, M. – HORÁK, P. – KRÁĽOVÁ, I.: Karyotype of an avian schistosome Trichobilharzia szidati (Digenea: Schistosomatidae). In International Journal for Parasitology, 26 (1996), 783-785.
KRÁĽOVÁ, I. – ŠPAKULOVÁ, M.: Intraspecific variability of Proteocephalus exiguus La Rue, 1911 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) as studied by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). In Parasitology Research, 82 (1996), 542-545.
KRÁĽOVÁ, I.: A total DNA characterization in Proteocephalus exiguus and P. percae (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae): RAPD and hybridization techniques. In Parasitology Research, 82 (1996), 668-671.
KRÁĽOVÁ, I. - VAN DE PEER, Y. – JIRKU, M. - VAN RANST, M. – SCHOLZ, T. – LUKEŠ, J.: Phylogenetic analysis of a fish tapeworm, Proteocephalus exiguus, based on the small subunit rRNA gene. In Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 84 (1997), 263-266.
LUKEŠ, J. – JIRKU, M. – DOLEŽEL, D. – KRÁĽOVÁ, I. – HOLLAR, L. – MASLOV, D.A.: Analysis of ribosomal RNA genes suggests that trypanosomes are monophyletic. In Journal of Molecular Evolution, 44 (1997), 521-527.
KRÁĽOVÁ, I. – RIGDEN, D.J. – OPPERDOES, F.R. – MICHELS, P.A.M.: Glycerol kinase of Trypanosoma brucei: cloning, molecular characterization and mutagenesis. In Europen Journal of Biochemistry, 267 (2000), 2323-2333.
ŠPAKULOVÁ, M. – CASANOVA, J.C. – LAPLANA GUILLÉN, N. – KRÁĽOVÁ, I.: A caryological study of spirurid nematode Mastophorus muris (Nematoda: Spirocercidae). In Parasite, 7 (2002), 173-177.
KRÁĽOVÁ, I. – HANZELOVÁ, V. – SCHOLZ, T. – GERDEAUX, D. – ŠPAKULOVÁ, M.: A comparison of the internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA in Eubothrium crassum and Eubothrium salvelini (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea), common parasites of salmonid fish. In International Journal for Parasitology, 31 (2001), 93-96.
KRÁĽOVÁ-HROMADOVÁ, I. - SCHOLZ, T. – SHINN, A.P. - CUNNINGHAM, C.O. - WOOTTEN, R. - HANZELOVÁ, V. – SOMMERVILLE, C.: A molecular study of Eubothrium rugosum (Batsch, 1786) (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) using ITS rDNA sequences, with notes on the distribution and intraspecific sequence variation of Eubothrium crassum (Bloch, 1779). In Parasitology Research, 89 (2003), 473-479.
KRÁĽOVÁ-HROMADOVÁ, I. - TIETZ, D.F. - SHINN, A.P. - ŠPAKULOVÁ, M.: ITS rDNA sequences of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Zoega in Müller, 1776) and P. lucyi Williams & Rogers, 1984 (Acanthocephala: Palaeacanthocephala). In Systematic Parasitology, 56 (2003), 141-145.
KRÁĽOVÁ-HROMADOVÁ, I. – ŠPAKULOVÁ, M. – HORÁČKOVÁ, E. – TURČEKOVÁ, Ľ. – NOVOBILSKÝ, A. – BECK, R. – KOUDELA, B. – MARINCULIČ, A. – RAJSKÝ, D. – PYBUS, M.: Sequence analysis of ribosomal and mitochondrial genes of the giant liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Trematoda: Fasciolidae): intraspecific variation and differentiation from Fasciola hepatica. In Journal of Parasitology, 94 (2008), 58-67.