Information Page of SAS Employee
Curriculum vitae
RNDr. Richard Komžík, CSc.
I studied physics at the Comenius University in Bratislava, specialization astronomy and astrophysics. After defending my diploma thesis on the star TX UMa, I started working at the Astronomical institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (AI SAS). I got a PhD degree in astronomy and astrophysics in 2000, since when I have been taking part in astronomical observations, data reduction, programming, and instrumental work. I am currently focused on developing observing facilities at the Skalnaté Pleso observatory, including a new 1.3m telescope with several focal instruments, coating facility, etc. I am also a computer and network administrator at the AI SAS. Since 2001 I have also acted as the executive/managing editor of AI SAS scientific journal "Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso".