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Information Page of SAS Employee


Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Helena Kanďárová ERT

International projects

IMPROVE - 3Rs concepts to improve the quality of biomedical science (IMPROVE)

3Rs koncepty pre zlepšenie kvality biomedicínskych vied (IMPROVE)

Duration: 21.10.2022 - 20.10.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena ERT

EU-NETVAL International Thyroid Validation Study

EU-NETVAL Medzinárodná validačná štúdia tyroidnej disrupcie

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: Multilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena ERT

NETSKINMODELS - Engineering novel 3D organotypic skin models

European Network for Skin Engineering and Modeling (NETSKINMODELS)

Duration: 15.9.2022 - 14.9.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena ERT

Exploration of toxicology properties of drug candidates with antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Exploration of toxicology properties of drug candidates with antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Duration: 1.9.2024 - 31.12.2025
Program: Multilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena ERT

ONTOX - Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment

Testovanie opakovanej toxicity chemických látok na základe ontológie a umelej inteligencie za účelom hodnotenia rizík metódami NGRA

Duration: 1.5.2021 - 30.4.2026
Program: Horizont 2020
Project leader: Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Kanďárová Helena ERT

Projects total: 5

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