Ing. Mária Širaňová, MA., PhD.
Šancová 56
811 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
I work as senior researcher at the Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences where I serve as the head of the Department of Macro-Financial Analysis. I also work as associate professor at the Institute of Economics (Commenius University in Bratislava). My key areas of research include topics from empirical monetary economics, international finance with special focus on capital flows and macroeconomic imbalances, and financial geography issues. Articles which I co-authored were published in several notable field journals including Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Review of International Economics or European Financial Management. As a researcher I have participated at several national (APVV, VEGA) and international research projects (Horizon 2020, GACR Czechia, NSC Poland, COST Action). I offer my expertise pro bono as the senior research consultant for the quant finance Quantpedia team.