New protein to help with streptococci infections
New protein to help with streptococci infectionsSAS and UK molecular biologists succeeded in preparing a new antimicrobial protein that is effective in the fight against streptococci. Antimicrobial endolysin EN534-C has therapeutic potential in diseases such as vaginal bacteremias and urogenital infections. It is no less important in applications and treatment of non-healing wounds and venous ulcers infected with streptococci.
"Endolysins are enzymes of bacteriophages that, at a certain stage, degrade the cell envelope of host cells. They specifically bind to the surface of bacteria and subsequently kill them. Our specimen has potential in veterinary medicine and, as an isolated product, we can use it for decontamination and cleaning of surfaces in connection with the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria, but also for the destruction of pathogens in the food industry. The isolated protein is thermally stable, which reduces its energy requirement when used in industry," said Gabriela Bukovská from the Institute of Molecular Biology SAS.
Endolysins also have potential in the fight against pathogenic bacteria Streptococcus agalactiae, known to cause infections in pregnant women and children. According to the World Health Organization, 15-45% of pregnant women worldwide suffer from them, and they are also the main cause of newborn morbidity and mortality. In people with weakened immune systems, such an infection can lead to serious illnesses such as streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, septicemia, pneumonia, meningitis, endocarditis, necrotizing fasciitis, and urinary tract infections.
"The standard treatment of infections caused by Streptococcus agalactiae bacteria consists in the administration of antibiotics, and the treatment of infections in pregnant women is based on antibiotic prophylaxis. As a result, there is an increased resistance of these pathogens to the administered antibiotics, as well as a possible allergic reaction of the mother and her foetus to the administered medication. Due to the disadvantages of antibiotic treatment of bacterial infections, new therapy options are currently being sought. A suitable alternative is the use and application of phage endolysins," adds the scientist.
The new antimicrobial EN534-C protein of streptococcal phage origin was prepared by:
The Genomics team from the Institute of Molecular Biology SAS, (RNDr. Gabriela Bukovská, CSc., RNDr. Lucia Bocánová, PhD., RNDr. Nora Halgašová, PhD. and RNDr. Mária Kajsiková, PhD.) and the Department of Molecular Biology of the Comenius University Bratislava (Prof. RNDr. Hana Drahovská, PhD.)
Slovak Patent P289101 B6 (valid from 31.7.2023) was awarded to the collective of authors for the method of its preparation: Antimicrobial protein, antimicrobial recombinant protein with lytic properties, expression vector, method of their preparation and use.
Subsequently, in 2024 (July 2, 2024), the collective of authors was granted European patent number EP4262843: ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEIN, ANTIMICROBIAL RECOMBINANT PROTEIN WITH LYTIC PROPERTIES, EXPRESSION VECTOR, METHOD OF THEIR PREPARATION AND USE. This patent is valid in 17 EU countries.