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Zasadnute Krízového štábu SAV

SAS Crisis Management Meeting

21. 4. 2021 | 1116 visits

In connection with the gradually improving development of COVID-19 morbidity in the Slovak Republic and taking into account the release of measures by the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Chief Medical Officer of the Slovak Republic, the Crisis Management of the SAS met on April 21, 2021.

It adopted guidelines for the partial release of measures and issued recommendations to SAS organisations.

From April 26, the SAS Office will operate in the standard mode with restrictions on entry to the building valid in accordance with order no. 4/2021 by the Head of the SAS Office

Crisis Management to SAS organisations:

1. Recommends to the directors of organisations to reconsider home-office in individual categories of employees, stating that after assessing the specifics of their work, it will allow their gradual return to work at the workplaces with unconditional compliance with adequate hygiene measures, or rather other conditions resulting from generally binding legal regulations (for example, health and safety at work conditions, etc.) This return may be staged according to the phasing of measures following the current COVID machine (more information at https://korona.gov.sk/), while re-entry into work in individual categories of employees may also be gradual, including adequate adjustment of working hours and appropriate regime measures. It is necessary to pay special attention to the arrival and activities at the workplaces for people with a higher risk of getting the disease (age 60 years and older, or serious chronic disease).

2. The directors of organisations may determine that some categories of employees/doctoral students may not yet be able to fully perform all the usual activities (due to the circumstances), they may prohibit/restrict business trips in Slovakia, or abroad, until further notice, depending on specific conditions, including the development of the situation in Slovakia and the relevant country.

3. Employees/doctoral students of SAS organisations are obliged to follow the current guidelines of the Chief Medical Officer of the Slovak Republic, published in the Bulletin of the Government of the Slovak Republic (https://www.minv.sk/?2021-2).

4. The directors of SAS organisations must ensure appropriate regime measures aimed at preventing the concentration of a larger number of people at the workplace.

5. At the workplace, it is necessary to ensure strict compliance with hygiene regulations (respirators, disinfection, etc.), including regular disinfection of social areas, common areas, door handles, etc.

6. The directors of SAS organisations can also draw up an internal regulation and adjust all the above-mentioned rights and obligations of the organisation as well as employees/doctoral students and the specifics of their work.

7. The SAS Office will operate in the standard mode from April 26, 2021, provided that the restrictions on entry into the building apply in accordance with order no. 4/2021 by the Head of the SAS Office.

Edited by Katarína Gáliková

Foto: Martin Bystriansky

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