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SAS materials scientists obtained an important patent

29. 10. 2024 | 556 visits

Renowned companies all over the world rely on the new technology of mechanochemistry, the research and development of which also takes place at the Institute of Materials Research SAS. Mechanochemistry is the initiation of chemical reactions by mechanical forces such as grinding, shearing, milling, or mixing. 

"We are bringing a new technology, the so-called Resonant Acoustic Mixing (RAM), which uses acoustic energy to generate mechanical force, making mechanochemistry a global reality. Our colleagues prepare materials of magnetically soft components (also known as soft magnetic composites SMC) on this LabRAM device," says Mária Fáberová from the Institute of Materials Research SAS.

With a new patent called:  "Method for production of composite magnetic powders by autonomous grinding", SAS materials scientists have contributed to the clarification of the procedure and the possibility of preparing powder materials by the "self milling" method. ResodynTM Acoustic Mixers, focusing on green technology development, has included this patent in a collection of abstracts and references to justify the importance of RAM technology in various industrial applications. At the same time, it refers to means for solving challenges, improving quality and increasing productivity in the development of "green" chemical processes.

Patent: Method for production of composite magnetic powders by autonomous grinding

SK SK132021A3, Bureš Radovan, Fáberová Mária



Edited by Monika Tináková



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