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Účastníci Letnej školy EASP

Prestigious Summer School for Young Doctoral Students in Social Psychology Held in Košice

25. 7. 2024 | 892 visits

The prestigious summer school of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) for doctoral students in the field of social psychology was recently held in Košice, Slovakia. This esteemed event, organized by the Institute of Social Sciences of the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, brought together 60 doctoral students from 21 countries worldwide.

The EASP summer school, renowned for its excellence, provided an invaluable platform for emerging researchers to gain knowledge, enriching experiences, and valuable connections. The program featured workshops led by distinguished experts in social psychology, each accommodating 12 students who collaborated on innovative research proposals.

The workshops covered a wide range of topics:

  • Social Cognition: Led by Hans Alves and Moritz Ingendahl from Ruhr University, Germany, focusing on attitude formation.
  • The Social Psychology of Violent Ethno-National Conflicts: Facilitated by Ruthie Pliskin from Leiden University, Netherlands, and Islam Borinca from University of Groningen, Netherlands, examining conflict drivers and resolutions.
  • Solidarity and Social Change: Conducted by Maja Kutlaca from Durham University, UK, and Soledad de Lemus Martín from University of Granada, Spain, investigating allyship and collective action.
  • Cognitions and Environmental Impact: Led by Cameron Brick from University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Karlijn van den Broek from Utrecht University, Netherlands, applying psychology to environmental behaviors.
  • Reacting to Inequality: Sexual and Gender Identities: Facilitated by Yasin Koc from University of Groningen, Netherlands, and Jenny Veldman from Utrecht University, Netherlands, exploring the interaction of social identities with inequality and stigma.

In addition to these workshops, Marcello Gallucci from the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, conducted a methodological workshop on multilevel data analysis, and Sharon Coen from the University of Salford, UK, led an online workshop on Research Ethics.

The summer school also featured invited lectures from local scholars:

  • Jozef Bavoľár (Department of Psychology, University Pavol Jozef Šafárik) discussed the social factors of risk perception.
  • Pavol Kačmár (Department of Psychology, University Pavol Jozef Šafárik) delivered an interactive keynote titled “An Unexpected Journey of a Young Researcher.”
  • Barbara Lášticová (Institute for Research in Social Communication, Slovak Academy of Sciences) critically examined diversity challenges in social psychology.
  • Anna Kende (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary) addressed the challenge of finding adequate psychological tools to combat anti-Gypsyism.
  • Ivan Ropovik (University of Presov) provided insights into a unified framework for statistical modeling with SEM.

The Institute of Social Sciences of the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences SAS also made significant contributions:

  • Denisa Fedáková and Michal Kentoš presented on the European Social Survey.
  • Marcel Martončik and Matúš Adamkovič led a methodological seminar on responsible research practices and principles of open science.

These seminars were streamed online and were open to the public, extending the reach of the summer school beyond its participants. Held from July 8 to 19, 2024, the EASP summer school in Košice was a resounding success.

We are very excited that for the first time in the history of the European Association of Social Psychology, the summer school was hosted in Košice, making an impact in the region, inspiring local students to integrate within the international research community,” added Jana Papcunová, co-organizer of the event and researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, CSPS, Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Thank you for supporting us regarding the visa, and dietary preferences, and for planning so many enjoyable, diverse, and inspiring social events that also gave us more insight into the Slovak culture,” added Mitakshara, originally from India.

The workshops really helped my studies; I feel like I want to stay in academia now and teach even more,” said Francisco, a student from Spain.

“I am very grateful to the European Association of Social Psychology for the trust shown and the opportunity to organize this exceptional summer school in Košice. It was a huge opportunity and an unforgettable experience for our Institute and the entire Centre. Meetings with students, as well as with the lecturers themselves, were very inspiring and opened up new possibilities for further cooperation.” stated Anna Kalistová, head of the Institute of Social Sciences CSPS SAS.

The event not only supported researchers at the outset of their careers but also showcased the region and highlighted local topics of focus, fostering both academic and cultural exchange.


Processed by Jana Papcunová a Anna Kalistová, Spoločenskovedný ústav CSPV SAV, v. v. i.

Foto: Alena a Marek Lukacko

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