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Archaeological open-air museum Modrá u Velehradu. A view of the archaeological open-air museum representing life in the times of Great Moravia. Photo: M. Polášková, municipality of Modrá

SAS archaeologists invite you to a new unique museum

3. 7. 2024 | 1111 visits

A new, unique museum - the Treasury of the Great Moravia - was formally opened a few days ago in the largest and most visited archaeological open-air museum of the Czech Republic. This is the result of a joint Slovak-Czech project as part of the INTERREG V-A SK-CZ 14-20 programme called Common Heritage from the Romans to the Treasures of Great Moravia.

"In a very short time, we managed to build a modern museum with the most powerful security systems below the ground level of the archaeological open-air museum. The most important finds from the hillforts and burial grounds of Great Moravia, which represent the material culture associated with the highest social class of the 9th-10th centuries, are presented to the public as part of the pilot exhibition called Great Moravian Elites,” says Jaroslava Ruttkayová of the Institute of Archaeology SAS.

The visitors can take a look at several unique period products - jewellery, weaponry, equipment set in panoramic scenes depicting the most important milestones of the development of the Great Moravia.

"These finds represent important South Moravian sites - Mikulčice, Staré Město, Uherské Hradiště, Modrá, Pohansko u Břeclavi. The original bell from the Bojná hillfort near Topoľčany draws special attention because it is one of the European uniques that not only proves the consolidation of Christianity in the 9th century but also points to the maturity of the nobility at that time," adds the archaeologist.

As regards the Czech side, the project is supported by the municipality of Modrá while on the Slovak side, the municipality of Cífer. It was the mayors of these municipalities who were able to coordinate all the interested parties in the project and achieve great success within the set deadlines, resulting in a lot of public interest. The main author of the exhibition script is Luděk Galuška. The exhibition itself is the work of the Moravian Museum in cooperation with the municipality of Modrá, the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, the Masaryk University Faculty of Arts - the Department of Archaeology and Museology and the Institute of Archaeology SAS.


Edited by Monika Tináková

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