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Zľava: Ing. Miroslav Blaženec, PhD., ÚEL SAV, v. v. i.; RNDr. Daniela Gašperíková, DrSc., BMC SAV; Mgr. Tatiana Zachar Podolinská, PhD., ÚESA SAV, v. v. i.; doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, DrSc.,  ÚACH SAV, v.v.i.; Dr.rer.nat., Ing. Helena Kanďárová, ERT, CEM SAV, v. v. i.; doc. Mgr. Richard Sťahel, PhD., Filozofický ústav SAV, v. i. i.; Mgr. Emanuel Beška, PhD., Ústav orientalistiky SAV, v. v. i.; Mgr. Jana Levická, PhD.,  JÚĽŠ SAV, v. v. i.; Ing. Martin Nosko, PhD., ÚMMS SAV, v. v. i.; Mgr. Daniel Bútora; Mgr. Denisa Fedáková, PhD., CSPV SAV, v. v. i.


1. 7. 2024 | 584 visits

As part of the Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R) activities, a series of trainings were held at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, which were conducted by the company FBE - For Business Excellence, which is known for its many years of experience in the field of consulting, education and personal development.

The FBE Slovakia company created a tailor-made series of trainings for SAS divided into four modules - thanks to which the participants could improve their management skills, efficiency in managing and leading their teams and organizations. The trainings were designed in such a way that the participants gained not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience through simulations. The instructor was Mgr. Daniel Bútora, former Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, the great satisfaction with his work is also confirmed by the feedback of the participants.

"I participated in all four prepared modules. The trainings were prepared at a high professional level and each of the selected topics provided important information needed to improve the management and leadership skills of directors. Individual interview exercises, for example in difficult work situations, methods of obtaining feedback were extremely useful. A secondary result of the organized trainings was the opportunity to meet and get to know the directors of SAS institutes across individual science departments. The established contacts only confirmed that it is necessary to continue such practice (e.g. in the form of informal meetings of directors) in the future" evaluated the training Mgr. Peter Gömöry, PhD., director of the Astronomical Institute of the SAS, v. v. i.

Also very satisfied was Ing. Yvetta Velísková, PhD., director of the Institute of Hydrology of the SAS, v. v. i.: "Thank you very much to the HRS4R team for organizing this series of trainings. Their form was easily accessible, the content was instructive and very useful for me in many ways. I recommend it to every director."

Mgr. Emanuel Beška, PhD., director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the SAS, v. v. i.  also expressed his satisfaction with the training of directors. "I really appreciate the fact that the SAS Office prepared and organized such an opportunity for us. Also in this form, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the organization of this program. I consider the training of directors to be a very good investment in human capital that will pay off for SAS. The content of the training, the continuity of the individual modules, as well as the experienced trainer were excellent. I recommend the completion of these trainings to managers at all levels of management. Added value was also the possibility of establishing very good relations with colleagues from various centers and institutes of SAS, including those from other departments of the academy."

The Director Development Program is part of a long-term strategy to improve the management of human resources and the support of researchers in accordance with the forty principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The aim is to create a favorable working environment that supports open, transparent and results-based recruitment of researchers.

The Slovak Academy of Sciences received the HR Award in 2020. Currently, 30 SAS institutes are involved in the HRS4R strategy. SAS institutes that are interested in joining the HRS4R strategy and participating in such interesting trainings can contact us by email hrs4r@savba.sk or on our website www.hrs4r.sav.sk.


Edited and photo: Dominika Olšovská, OVV SAS


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