Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review
Article List
Volume 56, 2024, No. 4
ISSN 0049-1225 (print)
ISSN 1336-8613 (online)
THEMATIC ISSUE: Surveillance, Control, and the Complexities of Care
- Sekeráková Búriková, Z. - Valkovičová, V.: Introduction to the Thematic Issue. Beyond the Ideal: Surveillance, Control, and the Complexities of Care. (p. 285)
- Campagna, A.: The Value of Social Positioning Inside a Forensic Psychiatry Service. An Ethnographic Account from a Residence for the Execution of Security Measures (REMS). (p. 302)
- Dungey, C. E.: A Bird’s Eye View: Care, Control, and the Use of Surveillance Apps Among Family Members in Germany. (p. 325)
- Murray, M. - Tizzoni, C.: Navigating Silences: The Everyday Relationship Between Chilean Mothers and the State. (p. 346)
- Toffanin, A. M. - Busi, B.: To Care and to Control? Lights and Shadows in Empowerment Processes with Women in Violent Relationships. (p. 369)