Asian and African Studies
Article List
Volume 24, 2015, No. 1
ISSN 1335-1257 (print)
ISSN 2585-8793 (online)
- R. Sorby, K. : Iraq: the Rule of ͨAbdarraḥmān ͨĀrif and its End (1966 – 1968). (p. 1)
- P. Sil, N. : Tewodros and Tipu as Warrior against Imperialist Britain: a Comparative Study. (p. 18)
- Gálik, M. : The Images of Shulamite in the Chinese Translations of the Bible (1822 ‒ 2004). (p. 45)
- Kang, J. : A Theory of Female Sagehood of the Eighteenth Century: Focusing on the Theoretical Challenge of a Female Neo- Confucianist of the Chosŏn Dynasty. (p. 65)
- Hlaváčová, A. : Plays about Old Age as the Essence of Noh Theatre. (p. 89)
- Sorby Jr., K. : The Role of ͨAbdalmuḥsin As-Sa ͨdūn in Iraqi Politics in the 1920s. (p. 102)
Book Reviews
- Rácová, A. : THOMPSON, Hanne-Ruth: Bengali. (p. 123)
- Habaj, M. : LLEWELLYN-JONES, Lloyd: King and Court in Ancient Persia 559 to 331 BCE. (p. 127)