In: Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 46, no. 2
Juraj Schenk
Year, pages: 2014, 130 - 145
analytical sociology; social mechanism; causality; explanation; mecha¬nism of social control process
Article type: štúdia / study
About article:
Analytical Sociology: Some Methodological Inspirations. In the article, the fundamental principles of analytical sociology are briefly introduced. As underlined, the contemporary analytical sociology based on social mechanism concept is closely connected to multiagent (or agent-based) modeling. Three methodological inspirations which can be found in contemporary analytical sociology are discussed. The first one is dealing with Merton´s interpretation of Middle range theory. According to Hedström and Udehn, there are two basic dimensions of MRT: dimension of generality (explanandum) and dimension of isolation (explanans). In the next part, the model construction of theory is discussed and compared to the strategy of hypothetico-deductive theory construction. Finally, the issue of explanation based upon social mechanism is analyzed. There are two fundamental approaches to solve the issue which can be found in the analytical sociology. Bunge´s approach (How does it work?) is compared to Boudon´s one (Why does it work?). The social mechanism underlying the social control process is introduced to demonstrate the idea that the answer to the question “how does it work?” can provide a non-trivial though not final explanation of social phenomena.
Sociológia 2014, Vol. 46 (No. 2: 130-145)
Analytical Sociology: Some Methodological Inspirations. In the article, the fundamental principles of analytical sociology are briefly introduced. As underlined, the contemporary analytical sociology based on social mechanism concept is closely connected to multiagent (or agent-based) modeling. Three methodological inspirations which can be found in contemporary analytical sociology are discussed. The first one is dealing with Merton´s interpretation of Middle range theory. According to Hedström and Udehn, there are two basic dimensions of MRT: dimension of generality (explanandum) and dimension of isolation (explanans). In the next part, the model construction of theory is discussed and compared to the strategy of hypothetico-deductive theory construction. Finally, the issue of explanation based upon social mechanism is analyzed. There are two fundamental approaches to solve the issue which can be found in the analytical sociology. Bunge´s approach (How does it work?) is compared to Boudon´s one (Why does it work?). The social mechanism underlying the social control process is introduced to demonstrate the idea that the answer to the question “how does it work?” can provide a non-trivial though not final explanation of social phenomena.
Sociológia 2014, Vol. 46 (No. 2: 130-145)
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Schenk, J. 2014. Analytická sociológia: niekoľko metodologických inšpirácií. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 46, no.2, pp. 130-145. 0049-1225.
Schenk, J. (2014). Analytická sociológia: niekoľko metodologických inšpirácií. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 46(2), 130-145. 0049-1225.