In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 47, no. 1
Михаил Сергеевич Ващенко
Year, pages: 2012, 72 - 75
Illyrian movement, periodical issues, Croato-Russian relations, M. P. Pogodin.
About article:
This article deals with the attitude of Russian periodic issues to Illiryan movement. The first stage of Croatian national revival was an object of attention in Russian society during the 1830-1850th. Russian magazines of different orientations published the articles about literary and political activities of the Illyrians. However the collecting of information about the Illyrian movement in Croatia was realized by the narrow circle of specialists. The most important role in this process played M.P. Pogodin who was closely connected with his collegaues from Slav countries, for example, with Pavol Jozef Šafárik. But the efforts of Russian slavists who spreaded the information of Illyrism became the base for further development of Russian Slavic and Croatian studies.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Сергеевич Ващенко, М. 2012. Российские периодические издания 30-50-х гг. XIX в. об иллирийском движении в Хорватии. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 47, no.1, pp. 72-75. 0037-6787 .
Сергеевич Ващенко, М. (2012). Российские периодические издания 30-50-х гг. XIX в. об иллирийском движении в Хорватии. Slavica Slovaca, 47(1), 72-75. 0037-6787 .