In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no. 2
Year, pages: 2024, 409 - 423
Language: slo
Slovak dialects, Serbia, vocabulary, contact languages, Serbian language
Article type: štúdia
About article:
The article addresses the issue of the vocabulary of Slovak dialects in Serbia, based on an analysis of collected dia- lectal expressions. It provides insight into the indigenous linguistic elements present in these dialects. Special attention is given to foreign language elements, specifically lexical borrowings from older contact languages such as Hungarian and German, as well as more recent borrowings from the official Serbian language. Words of Serbian origin are categorized into three comprehensive groups, with each category receiving appropriate attention. The article also includes examples found in the analyzed dialect material.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Hríbová, M. 2024. Z problematiky slovnej zásoby slovenských nárečí v Srbsku (na príklade analýzy získaných nárečových prejavov). In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 409-423. 0037-6787 . DOI:
Hríbová, M. (2024). Z problematiky slovnej zásoby slovenských nárečí v Srbsku (na príklade analýzy získaných nárečových prejavov). Slavica Slovaca, 59(2), 409-423. 0037-6787 . DOI:
About edition:
Publisher: Slovenský komitét slavistov, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v. v. i.
Published: 18. 11. 2024

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