In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no. 2
Татяна Илиева
Year, pages: 2024, 277 - 287
Language: bg
Liturgical terminology, history of the Bulgarian language, historical liturgics, Balkan medieval literatures, Slavo-Byzantine cultural relations, fifteenth century.
Article type: štúdia
About article:
This paper sets out to investigate the liturgical terminology in the newly identified Southern Slavonic epitome of Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ by Simeon of Thessaloniki, extant in two manuscripts, included under the title Протлⷦь луⷮргїи, и црк҃ви, и чи́нꙋ сщ҃енⸯничьскомꙋ in the contents of the c16th codices of Serbian origin Mss RGADA 88 (84a -87a) and BOGISHICH 52 (122b, 133, 124). The presence of these copies in the body of works attributed to Constantine of Kostenets suggests that this translation tools associated with the name of that Bulgarian man of letters, who was active as an exile at the court of Despot Stephen Lazarevitsh. On the basis of the word group examined, this investigation sets out to collate the text under analysis with the preceding literary tradition as well as to reach conclusions about the develop- ment of the respective terminological system while highlighting the peculiarities of the translator’s style, which should provide further arguments for attributing this written record.
The special designations belonging to the liturgical sphere are characterized according to different criteria: belong- ing to a lexico-semantic group, grammatical class, and structural types. The researcher shares some of her observations on the peculiar usage of particular morphological categories with common words used as terms in this written record, analyzes the means of terminological nomination with particular emphasis on the semantic and syntactical word for- mation. The researcher concludes that in the liturgical terminological system of the text there is a balance between the native and the loan words, between the native and the foreign means of term formation, while in particular subgroups such as the terminology of liturgical vestments the presence of the loan words is greater because of the existence of more culturally unfamiliar realia. The preference for the native means of word formation bequeathed by the creators of our literary language is adhered to. All the techniques of terminological nomination known from the theory of terminology are used to create specific appellations also in the remaining spheres of theology. This makes the terminological system under consideration a part of the layer of the special theological vocabulary in the history of Bulgarian.
The fact that it is possible to make observations not only synchronically but also diachronically because the words belonging to the sphere examined are well documented throughout the history of our language shows that a considerable part of them are derived from Old Bulgarian through literature. The impression created is that this translation is the work of an erudite and well-read author, familiar both with the Old Bulgarian tradition and with the trends in the official ecclesiastical literature created in the great centers in the Balkans Mount Athos and Turnovo on the eve of the Ottoman invasions.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Илиева, Т. 2024. Наблюдения върху литургичната терминология в новоидентифицираното южнославянско епитоме на литургичния трактат „Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ“ от Симеон Солунски в съдържанието на MSS РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52. Обща характеристика. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 277-287. 0037-6787 . DOI:
Илиева, Т. (2024). Наблюдения върху литургичната терминология в новоидентифицираното южнославянско епитоме на литургичния трактат „Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ“ от Симеон Солунски в съдържанието на MSS РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52. Обща характеристика. Slavica Slovaca, 59(2), 277-287. 0037-6787 . DOI:
About edition:
Publisher: Slovenský komitét slavistov, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v. v. i.
Published: 18. 11. 2024

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