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Традиции и инновации в последних исследованиях о рукописной традиции славянских евангелий

In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no. 2
Marcello Garzaniti Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2024, 205 - 214
Language: rus
Slavic Gospel, Slavic Manuscript Tradition, History of Slavic Studies
Article type: štúdia
About article:
Almost a quarter of a century has passed since the publication of our volume on the history of Slavic gospel studies: Die altslavische Version der Evangelien. Forschungsgeschichte und zeitgenössische Forschung (Köln, Weimar, Wien 2001). In anticipation of a new, revised, and updated edition, we have continued to collect the new bibliography, reflecting on the ongoing changes. The spread of computer technology and the process of digitisation have certainly produced profound changes in the study of the manuscript tradition of the gospels. Not only are many old editions of the gospels and most of the studies available on the web, but also dozens of codices are now accessible in the digital archives of major libraries, not to mention the possibility of consulting dictionaries, Paleo-Slavonic and Church Slavonic lexicons or databases in which the gospels are included. This is not only a facilitation in our research work, but a different approach to research that allows us to analyse a larger quantity of manuscripts with targeted searches and to have an overview more easily.Looking at the main avenues of research over the last quarter of a century, on the one hand one can observe an advancement in the traditional themes, from the structure of the book to the memoirs of the feasts in the menology, from the description of the manuscripts to their ornamentation, not to mention linguistic analysis at all levels. On the other hand, one can observe the multiplication of studies relating to specific areas, starting with the written production of Bosnia, Galicia and Volynia up to Moldavia, with the publication of research and editions of individual codices that contribute to creating a broader and more detailed panorama of the complex history of the book of the Gospels from the first generations following the mission of Cyril and Methodius up to the advent of printing, which led to the gradual decline of the manuscript tradition. It should be noted more generally that the study of the manuscript tradition of the Gospels remains a key theme of Slavic studies in the fields of Slavic palaeography, textual criticism and linguistic analysis.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Garzaniti, M. 2024. Традиции и инновации в последних исследованиях о рукописной традиции славянских евангелий. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 205-214. 0037-6787 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SlavSlov.2024.2.1

Garzaniti, M. (2024). Традиции и инновации в последних исследованиях о рукописной традиции славянских евангелий. Slavica Slovaca, 59(2), 205-214. 0037-6787 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SlavSlov.2024.2.1
About edition:
Publisher: Slovenský komitét slavistov, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v. v. i.
Published: 18. 11. 2024
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