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Magdolna Balogh (ed.): Szomszédok a kirakatban: A szlovák irodalom recepciója Magyarországon 1990 után [Neighbors on Display: The reception of Slovak literature in Hungary after 1990]

In: World Literature Studies, vol. 11, no. 4
Enikő Czucz


Year, pages: 2019, 125 - 127
Language: eng
Article type: recenzie / book reviews
Document type: pdf
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Czucz, E. 2019. Magdolna Balogh (ed.): Szomszédok a kirakatban: A szlovák irodalom recepciója Magyarországon 1990 után [Neighbors on Display: The reception of Slovak literature in Hungary after 1990]. In World Literature Studies, vol. 11, no.4, pp. 125-127. 1337-9275.

Czucz, E. (2019). Magdolna Balogh (ed.): Szomszédok a kirakatban: A szlovák irodalom recepciója Magyarországon 1990 után [Neighbors on Display: The reception of Slovak literature in Hungary after 1990]. World Literature Studies, 11(4), 125-127. 1337-9275.
About edition:
Publisher: ÚSvL SAV, v. v. i.
Published: 21. 12. 2019