In: World Literature Studies, vol. 11, no. 1
Year, pages: 2019, 51 - 69
Language: slo
Literary canon. Péter Esterházy. Literary translation.
Article type: štúdie - téma / articles - topic
Document type: pdf
About article:
This study focuses on the literary works of Péter Esterházy, whose output has contributed to the formation of a new Hungarian literary canon. Using Esterházy’s major works, including Termelési regény (1979, Production Novel), Bevezetés a szépirodalomba (1986, An Introduction to Fiction), Kis magyar pornográfia (1984, 1986, A Little Hungarian Pornography), Egy nő (1995, She Loves Me), Harmonia cælestis (2000, Celestial Harmonies), Javított kiadás (2002, Revised Edition), Egyszerű történet vessző száz oldal – a kardozós változat (2013, Simple Story Comma A Hundred Pages), the study relativizes the concepts of identity and hybridity in relation to the life of the postmodern “text” in the Central European (specifically Hungarian-Slovak-Czech) context. What challenges does the postmodern text present for the translator? How has translation influenced the reception of the canonical text in Slovakia?
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Huťková, A. 2019. Kánonické texty Pétera Esterházyho v slovenskom preklade. In World Literature Studies, vol. 11, no.1, pp. 51-69. 1337-9275.
Huťková, A. (2019). Kánonické texty Pétera Esterházyho v slovenskom preklade. World Literature Studies, 11(1), 51-69. 1337-9275.
About edition:
Publisher: ÚSvL SAV, v. v. i.