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Migrácia hudobných prameňov ako zdroj poznania hudobnej minulosti Spiša

In: Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 13, no. 1
Janka Petőczová Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2022, 36 - 57
Language: slo
musicology, history of music, musical sources, migration, Early Modern Period
Article type: Štúdie / Studies
Document type: Časopis / Journal
About article:
The sociological term migration is used in historical musicology to express the notion of transfer of music, in connection with its social origins and functions, accompanying people through their lives and migrating with them. Music migration stems from the voluntary or forced relocation of musicians (exile) or the search for new job opportunities. Musicological research addresses the most common related issues linked to the dissemination of manuscripts and early prints from musical hubs to the periphery, including via a comparison of the respective musical repertoires. The aim of the study is to characterize those music sources preserved in the Spiš/Zips region which document music migration in the Central European context in the 16th and 17th centuries. The study also focuses on the migration of musicians to neighbouring regions (Šariš, Gemer, Malohont) and cross-border migration (Central Germany, Silesia, Transylvania) as well as the possibility of transmitting musical sources in the multi-ethnic environment of the Lutheran cantorates.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Petőczová, J. 2022. Migrácia hudobných prameňov ako zdroj poznania hudobnej minulosti Spiša. In Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 13, no.1, pp. 36-57. 1338-2594. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/musicoslov.2022.1.2

Petőczová, J. (2022). Migrácia hudobných prameňov ako zdroj poznania hudobnej minulosti Spiša. Musicologica Slovaca , 13(1), 36-57. 1338-2594. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/musicoslov.2022.1.2
About edition:
Publisher: Ústav hudobnej vedy SAV, v.v.i. / Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Published: 27. 6. 2022
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